Federal Minister of research, Anja Karliczek (CDU), has dampened hopes for quick breakthroughs in the search for a Coronavirus vaccine. “We can’t expect any miracles,” she said in Berlin on Thursday. It was to be assumed that a vaccine is “standing at the earliest the middle of next year” available. This is “still very fast”, because the vaccine development takes usually about ten or even 15 years, there have been Karliczek to bear in mind.

The Minister said at the launch of a special programme of her Ministry, with the development of vaccines against Covid-19 continue support. The program has a volume of 750 million euros. The Funding guideline was published last Friday – and since then the response of the companies was already “very good,” she said.

the clinical vaccine development, the “expansion of the manufacturing and filling capacity”, as well as the increase in the number of test Subjects in clinical Tests in Germany to be Promoted. Interested companies can apply until mid-July, 2020, the money from the new pot.

dpa/Michael Kappeler/dpa Anja Karliczek (CDU), Federal Minister of education and research, and Secretary-General of the DSW Achim Meyer auf der Heyde inform about the Corona-relief for students.

the WHO expects a vaccine by the end of 2020

The world health organization (WHO) is looking in terms of vaccine, however, more optimistic in the future. By the end of the year might be, according to the world health organization, one or two vaccines against the Coronavirus. Previously difficult had to say always, but if everything over smoothly with the current studies, and could be also made already a few Hundred million doses of the vaccine, said the chief scientist of the WHO, Soumya Swaminathan, on Thursday in Geneva.

is Currently at around 200 vaccines

research On about 200 kinds of vaccines, research at the time, a dozen will be tested on humans. “Even if the first or second, not finally, but what he promises, we should not give up hope,” said Swaminathan.

A challenge to the production capacity, Swaminathan continue to be. Several companies have been investing vigorously. By the end of next year, two billion doses of the vaccine could be available, the scientist is convinced.

The WHO work with all the countries of the world to an agreement on priorities in the distribution. That a country is able to secure a vaccine for itself should be avoided, she said. On a priority list, for example, the staff in health and care institutions, police officers, salespeople, the elderly, or those could be related to pre – existing conditions.

see also: majority of Germans wants to leave against Corona vaccination – the number of opponents high

Federal government wants to vaccine-business support

The Germany-based company, involved in vaccine development and production, should be supported “in the best possible way”, – stressed Karliczek. “To be able to return to what we have of normality before this pandemic is known, the vaccine is a crucial building block”.

The first clinical study with the Corona vaccine candidates the company CureVac has, meanwhile, started on Thursday at the University hospital of Tübingen. The study of more than 100 people over the age of 18 to 60 years will be carried out at the Institute for tropical medicine, travel medicine, human Parasitology, the University announced.

the vaccine is being tested in a clinical study for the first Time on humans. The aim was to determine the tolerability, as well as a specific immune response against the Virus, said the Director of the Institute, and study leader, Professor Peter Kremsner.

CureVac, study, University hospital of Tübingen

to start The study will be run according to the University hospital of Tübingen in several phases. First, the vaccine should be administered to the subjects in the lowest dose of 2 micrograms. The number of participants and the dose of the active ingredient will depend on the compatibility can be increased. In the next step, probably in late summer – should be extended the age limits, as well should then be tested internationally.

the President of The for vaccines the competent Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Klaus Cichutek, said at a joint press conference with Karliczek, worldwide eleven clinical trials of possible vaccines against the novel Coronavirus were now. It had been made “very significant progress”.

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Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on to Germany to PCP Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on Germany FOCUS Online-action #corona care: Germany helps!

The Corona-pandemic restricts the everyday life of the people in Germany. Especially for vulnerable groups such as seniors, everyday tasks are associated with a risk of infection. Therefore, now asked for solidarity! FOCUS Online has therefore launched the campaign “#corona care: Germany helps”. With you! All of the information you find here.
