have to ride covers for The containment of the Corona-crisis-prescribed Face of Hartz IV recipients from your rule needs the best. Thus, a judgment of the Essen country is social court for North Rhine-Westfalen (Az.: L 7 AS 635/20).

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One recipient complained to 349 Euro Extra payments to be able to protective masks to buy, as it says on the website of the court. The judge rejected the lawsuit. The operative part of the Judgment: the one Who refers to state aid for basic social security, not be able to claim costs for respiratory and protective masks extra.

Textile protection masks “part of clothing”

The judge justified her ruling with the following Reasoning: The Anti-Corona protection Ordinance of North Rhine-Westphalia asking for is often just Wearing a textile mouth-nose-covering. Instead of special protective products citizens could also use a scarf or a shawl. Therefore, it was the face of protection”, a part of the clothing, for a lump sum is paid”. For this reason, the court found no “compelling need,” as the plaintiff had demanded.

the height of The Hartz-IV-rule needs

The Essenes judge emphasized in your judgment the fact that resin-IV-to subscribers to Finance the costs for respiratory protection from your rule (also called the”rule set”).

Also interesting: 300 Euro child bonus: Hartz-IV-recipients to get the amount without deductions

This rule set performance-authorised persons. The calculation of the level of Hartz IV is based on statistically collected data from approximately 60,000 households to income and expenditure, such as the state of Baden center for Political education-Württemberg (LpB Baden-Württemberg) explained.

So high, the Hartz-IV-rule sets 2020

  • 432 Euro in the month for a single Person or a single Person
  • 389 Euro for each Partner, if both are of full age
  • 345 Euro for adults eligible does not have its own budget, because they live in the household of other persons. This refers to about a 25-year-old adults living in the parental home, as well as residential communities.
  • 328 Euro for children in the benefit community from the beginning of the 15. up to the age of 18. Years of age. In addition, persons over the 25. Since ends.
  • 308 Euro for children from 6 to 13 years old
  • 250 Euro children up to 6 years (social money) As a Merkel after Corona-Warning-App is asked, it comes to witty exchange of words, FOCUS Online/Wochit Than Merkel, according to Corona-Warning-App is asked, it comes to witty exchange of words
