political ecology, the Greens, he knows : this ardent thurifer of Europe has defended the colours of nature at the european Parliament in Strasbourg for years. But since 2014, Daniel Cohn-Bendit, 75 years old, is indented. His word is more than ever free. The Point he was asked for his opinion on the assumption of a ” government of the wise “, a ” tyranny of the benevolent “, as has been mentioned, the German philosopher, Hans Jonas, author of the famous Principle of responsibility (1979). Answers.

The Point : Many are those who make a link between the crisis of the novel coronavirus and that of…

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Dominique Bourg : “political ecology, lost contact with the ecological thinking” Bruno Latour : “It is necessary to make an inventory of our lives “” as Soon as there is a purpose to be virtuous, freedoms go by the wayside “” civilizations are mortal, but they did not die of an economic crisis ! “In praise of the simple life – What do the apostles of “degrowth”?