The popularity of Edward Philip flies away. The Prime minister has earned 8 points and widens the gap with Emmanuel Macron, relegated 16 points behind, according to a BVA survey released on Friday, June 19. With 54 % of favourable opinions, Édouard Philippe, very exposed in the management of the crisis of the Covid-19, has won 13 points in two months and a majority of the French say they now have a good opinion of him. 45 % (- 8), in contrast, have a very poor opinion of the head of the government, according to the survey for Orange and RTL.

Edward Philippe progresses, particularly among supporters of The Republicans (+ 13), but also of those of the left outside the PS (+ 15), and even PS itself (+ 5). All recent polls give the leader of the government in strong progression. A few days after his televised speech, the odds of the head of State remains in contrast almost stable at 38 %, and 62 % (=) of the French interviewed have a bad opinion of him, according to the PVA.

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A couple executive more popular than its predecessors

in addition, more than six in ten French (61 %) do not want Emmanuel Macron changes of Prime minister, compared to 38 % who disagree. Three years after its entry into service, the couple executive, however, remains more popular than its predecessors : at the same time the five-year term, François Hollande was credited with 26 %, and Manuel Valls of 40 % of favourable opinions in this barometer.

Finally, more than three-quarters of the French (77 %) consider that the déconfinement is going well in the country, compared with 23 % of the opposite opinion. Nicolas Hulot remains at the top of the list of people (38 %, + 1), but Bruno The Mayor (30 %, + 5) and Xavier Bertrand (30 %, + 3) reduce the gap. The minister of Health, Olivier Véran, lost 2 points to 26 %.

also Read “When the Status is not high, the disappointment is immense,”

writing will advise you

Coignard – When Édouard Philippe stands out of Christophe Castaner