Rye: Who should pay?

9.30 am: “a Pity Mrs Merkel. Again, an opportunity missed, the German citizens the unvarnished truth”, now begins the AfD group’s boss, Alice ryegrass. Merkel can’t resist a Grin. Ryegrass, including the Green Deal. “Who is to pay for the order?”, ask ryegrass. Also on the reconstruction Fund bothers ryegrass. Added to this is the economic damage caused by the corona crisis, the will bigger by the day. “The middle class is impoverished,” says the AfD’s wife. “In this Situation, we have no billion. We need to help ourselves,” says rye. Taxes and duties would have to be permanently and significantly reduced. bundestag.de

the Bundestag in the Live-Ticker: Merkel outlines goals of the German EU presidency

9.27 PM: “We live in the pandemic,” says Merkel. She was confident that Europe could overcome the crisis. “Together Europe and strong” – that is the Motto of the German presidency of the Council. “I will support with all our strength. Let’s do this together. I ask for your support. The commitment to Europe will be worth it,” concludes the Chancellor now.

9.25 am: , Africa will be a particular focus in the time of the German EU presidency. It was here, to find joint responses to the crisis, the consequences of the pandemic away. “It will also be important to take Africa as the future continent in the view.” Also to the relations with China, Merkel is: “I am for an open dialogue.” It is important to take the questions of the rule of law and human rights, as well as the future of Hong Kong in the view.

“Seems to feel that someone is raised”: For the AfD side-swipe Merkel applause

9.21 PM: reaping “We must not allow the pandemic leads to a drifting Apart of the member States of the EU and the internal market weakens.” the apply It to prevent permanent”, a deep gap through Europe.” The radical forces would wait until you can stir up social Fears and insecurities can spread. There is applause, but also reactions from the AfD group. Merkel says: “It seems to feel someone approached.” Merkel garners laughs and applause. Further, they stressed once again: It is important to use the existing Instrument against free radicals.

9.17 PM: Merkel comes on the 500-billion-to-talk Plan. “We need to decisively and quickly act”, is pushing Merkel. Further, you can look to the European Council on Friday. “Decisions Together, but only at a physical of the European Council can be taken”, dampens the expectations.

9.14 PM: the national Act should be accompanied by a European Action, stressed Merkel again, “The pandemic is the greatest challenge in the history of Europe.” The crisis management will decide on the prosperity of the citizens and Europe’s role in the world. “The answer to the economic and social consequences must not be a return to the traditional Work and economic activity”, stressed Merkel. Creative and competitive companies are now in demand. “We know that others act in a very robust”, stressed Merkel with a view to other countries.

“That was unreasonable”: Merkel faces a critical view of the EU crisis management

9.11 am: “The pandemic has revealed how fragile this is Europe”. the national reflexes would have had first priority, was “unreasonable”. “Our Europe is vulnerable. has never been cohesion in Europe as important as it is today,” says Merkel. “No country can be insulated from this crisis and survive alone.” Screenshot NTV, German Chancellor Angela Merkel in the government statement.

9.09 PM: “Europe will only grow, if we put all of our energy on what can be from Europe,” says Merkel. “We take on this responsibility at a time of Europe’s greatest challenge in the history assumes.” It is necessary to overcome the consequences of the crisis, to make Europe more resilient. “The Coronavirus pandemic hits us all – innocent and unprepared.” She speaks in terms of limitations of the freedoms in the last few weeks of the “very high price”. There are requirements that still believe that it is more for “required”, says Merkel, and the minimum distance and the mask of duty.

9.06 PM: Merkel to financial and refugee crisis. “This was indeed not always easy. There were misunderstandings. But that has never led to a rupture, the rejection of Europe. It is also a withdrawal of Britain from the European Union doesn’t change anything.” Europe also emerges from it even stronger, was a “tremendous performance”. Perhaps Europe is suffering a bit because “we have to leave it up for too long, the opponents, to talk about Europe”. Merkel continued: “Europe fills me with its democratic promise unchanged with great gratitude”.

9.03 PM: Now, the Chancellor takes to the lectern. Merkel begins: The presidency of the EU, a task to which she was happy to be. “Europe needs us as we need Europe,” says Merkel. “Europe is something we can make and must. It is a dynamic order of peace and freedom.” The Chancellor looks into the beginnings of Europe. The great lesson from the period of national socialism was that, in Europe, never again, the racist delusions of people groups should exclude.

9.00: It goes in the Bundestag. First, some elections are to be held. The management of the meeting, the President of the Bundestag Wolfgang Schäuble.

8.15: German Chancellor Angela Merkel will outline on Thursday in the Bundestag, the basic lines and objectives of the German presidency of the EU. In a government statement, you will also submit the views of the EU summit this Friday. At the Meeting, it will go to the EU budget and the re-building programme to make the European economy after the Corona-crisis strong.

All the information about the corona of a crisis in the News Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Merkel had declared on Tuesday in the CDU/CSU group in the Bundestag, they reckon this Friday with an agreement in the negotiations on the EU budget and the recovery package. You hope that there are going to be in July significant progress. However, it is also unclear whether the issues could then be negotiated to an end. Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on to Germany to PCP Up to 40 degrees are possible: Extreme heat wave rolls on Germany, Merkel has AfD in the Bundestag with one-liners emergence and garners loud applause, FOCUS Online/Wochit Merkel has AfD in the Bundestag with one-liners emergence and garners applause

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