The rector of Grenoble has responded to the parents of Mila, who, in a letter of 8 June, revealed by The Point, strike the national Education on the measures taken against the students who had insulted and threatened their daughter after his comments on islam, last January, on his account Instagram. “It’s been four months that our daughter had to be déscolarisée because of the risks to its security and the extent of the threats from the students of your institution. However, to date, we have not been informed of the provisions taken against her harassers “, they wrote to the proviseure of the lycée Léonard de Vinci Villefontaine (Isère), with a copy to the minister and the rector.

Helena Insel, president of the academy of Grenoble, has not made public the letter she sent in return, but his director of cabinet, Aymeric Meiss, was held to answer the questions of the family. Leaves to make a few denials… ” first, and it is, as well as Mrs. the President ends the letter that it comes to reach, we are and remain to the sides of Mila ; as long as she is educated, we will be there “, is committed there. “The letter from his parents is that of a family who suffers, is that what happens to them is unjust and we understand that. A young 16 year old girl should not have to undergo such an outburst of hatred and violence, ” adds the collaborator of the rector.

Read also Case Mila : “in the face of terror “, the parents denounced the inertia of the school

We do not have a sign I don’t know what obligation the silence

On the other hand, Aymeric Meiss is listed as a fake when the parents of Mila, and their lawyer, mr. Richard Malka, claim that the teenager had to be ” déscolarisée “. “At no time, national Education did not impose to change of establishment even if, in fact, one could legitimately feel that her safety could be threatened if she remained on the spot. From there, we have studied several tracks. No institution has refused to accept it, as I was able to read it. There was a demand for strong security and we looked at the possibilities, institution by institution. The reassignment decision was taken in consultation with the family, ” he says.

In what type of establishment Mila is it now accepted ? “We don’t communicate it” evades the rector. “This is a public high school, in boarding school, without special management education,” says the director of the cabinet.

The consideration was that Mila and her parents will refrain from any public statement, as it has been said ? Again, the rector’s insane. “We all agree that things had to stop ; from there, the whole expression on the networks is likely to make things more complicated. But we do not have a sign I don’t know what obligation the silence. “

This work of awareness-raising on racism, secularism, violence against women and republican values in general has been conducted

” We will not accept that firm action and copies are not to be taken “, wrote still the parents of Mila in the proviseure of the high school, where their daughter has suffered insults sexist, homophobic, and threats of any kind (rape, murder by slaughter, burning with acid, stoning). “We were not required to report on the measures taken in this establishment, to the extent that Mila is more educated but we did, because we remain in an open approach : yes, a disciplinary procedure has been initiated by the head of school against some students, but it must comply, at the time, the rules of confidentiality and of contradictory, provided that a judicial inquiry is being conducted elsewhere. We worked in conjunction with the floor so that the disciplinary procedure does not come mix and compromise the criminal action. One can have the impression that nothing has been done, the containment has not helped, but it is only an impression, ” says the director of the office of the president. Who insists on the fact that the three juveniles indicted to date for ” concealment of theft (of data) “, “electronic harassment” and “use of identification data of others,” and placed under judicial control, “are not and have never been to school” in the high school, where was Mila when the case started. “The noxious messages that have swept and are shot on it came from France “, he says.

” We also wish to know what educational actions on secularism, freedom of expression about all religions and harassment have been organized with students, ( … ). Education should not be in failure in the face of a sense of religious affiliation so strong that the idea of putting to death a teenage girl of 16 years for remarks about islam seem justified in the eyes of many. The school of the Republic can not live under the regime of religious terror. National Education must be intransigent on the subject of secularism “, persisted still in their mail the parents of the girl. “This work of awareness-raising on racism, secularism, violence against women and republican values in general has been conducted, here as everywhere. It is an obvious, ” replied the rector.


As for the “previous incidents” that occurred at the lycée Léonard-de-Vinci, on which the executive would have ” closed the eyes “, always according to the parents, Aymeric Meiss is part false : “It is a rumor, not info “, oppose-t-il.

also Read Peggy Sastre – Cologne, and Mila, same fight

The case Mila had erupted on the 18th of January last. The teenager had been inundated with messages of homophobic accusing him also of racism, after she had confided to one of his “friends” on social networks, not to be drawn by the ” girls rebeus “. In a “story” in the form of a video, that is supposed to only stay visible for 24 hours on the network Instagram, this girl, who made no secret of his homosexuality, was then criticized islam in terms that are provocative : “I hate religion. […] The Qur’an, there is only hatred there, islam is shit. […] I said what I thought of it, you’re not going to let me regret it. There are still people who are going to excite, I’ve clearly nothing to fuck, I say what I want, what I think. Your religion is shit, your God, and I put a finger in the asshole. Thank you, goodbye. “

Shared hundreds of thousands of times, the video had earned him, as soon as published, a dump truck of insults, threats and calls to murder. The address of the girl and that of her high school, even as his identity and photograph were thrown into a pasture. While an inquiry was opened by the prosecutor’s office in Vienna, Mila had been forced to leave his school, his family believing that ” her physical integrity and life were at stake “.

writing will advise you

Zineb El Rhazoui – in the Face of Mila, a conspiracy of cowardice Case Mila : “The threat of a blackmail to the injury” Case Mila : “it does not count on us ! “