we must not declare victory too soon. This is the message that has wanted to pass the Ogranisation world health organization (WHO). Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyes, its Director-general, was keen to warn about the risks of déconfinement initiated by the country to the four corners of the world. “The world has entered a new and dangerous phase. A lot of people are obviously tired of staying home. The countries are of course willing to re-open their society and their economy”, said the know Tedros Ghebreyesus, during a virtual press conference.

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150,000 new cases Thursday

“But the virus continues to spread rapidly, it remains a deadly disease and most people remain exposed”, he added, specifying that the WHO had identified Thursday, more than 150 000 new cases, a record on a single day since the beginning of the epidemic. Nearly half of these cases were recorded on the american continent and the pandemic is also growing in south Asia and the Middle East.

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“We call on all countries and all people to exercise extreme caution. Continue to keep your distance, stay home if you feel sick, continue to cover your nose and mouth when you cough, wear a mask as needed, continue to wash your hands,” insisted the leader of the WHO. For his part, the director issues a health emergency the WHO, Michael Ryan, has estimated that “the exit of the containment must be made cautiously”.

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“If you don’t know where is the virus, there are chances that the virus takes you by surprise,” he said. “When you spot a cluster, you need to know to jump on him, if you want to be able to avoid the very restrictive quota system”. He further explained that the strains of virus voyagaient from one country to the other. “Many viruses that have been detected in New York were of european origin”, he said. “And Japan has imported cases from Europe”.

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What will be left to our children of the containment