the six-hour curfew in Turkey

Because of the entrance exams for the high school in the Corona-crisis, the Turkish authorities on Saturday a six-hour curfew over 81 cities imposed. It shall apply until 15 a.m. local time and to guarantee that there is in front of the schools and centres, no traffic jams. 27. and 28. June to give it because of entrance exams for the University for more curfews, according to the news Agency Anadolu reported.

health Minister Fahrettin Koca said that the curfew accompanying persons of students, and travelers who had already purchased a Ticket to be exempt. In addition, supermarkets and bakeries remained open.

The Turkey had to adopt because of the Corona of crisis since April, regular curfews for the weekend for selected cities and provinces such as Ankara and Istanbul. So far, 185 000 infections and more than 4,900 Deaths have been registered in connection with Covid-19.

1. June Ankara numerous Corona had loosened restrictions. As travel restrictions between cities have been repealed, cafes, Restaurants and sports facilities are open subject to conditions again. dpa/Marius Becker/dpa The beach in Antalya is empty. Turkey is considered to be Corona-risk area.

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