Turkish foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu has shown to be disappointed about the classification of Turkey as a Corona-risk area by the Federal government and through the ongoing travel warning. There was “no objective and scientific reason,” said Cavusoglu on Saturday at a joint press conference with tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy in the holiday resort of Antalya.

“of Course we are disappointed, but I don’t think this will affect our bilateral relations”, – said Cavusoglu. He wanted to stay with Germany in the Dialog, and the Federal government to convince them to change their Position. It was not a question of a confrontation. On Wednesday the Turkish Ambassador had criticized in Berlin, the classification of his country as a Corona-risk area. Reuters/Alessandro Della Valle/KEYSTONE/dpa Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu

For more than 160 countries outside of the EU including Turkey – The Turkish foreign initially up to 31. August is a travel warning. The Federal government had to be classified, Turkey on Monday, along with 130 other countries, moreover, as a Corona-risk area. People arriving from a high-risk area in Germany, have to expect a 14-day quarantine. However, tourists from Turkey can be of the quarantine regime freed, if you don’t have at the time of entry to Germany, a negative Corona Test that is older than 48 hours.

Cavusoglu stressed that Turkey had the capacity for such Corona-Tests. You put on objective criteria, such as case numbers, had come to Turkey better through the corona of a crisis than many other States. Turkey is, moreover, as well as Germany, “one of the best health systems in the world”. Tourism Minister Ersoy back referred to the allegations of critics that the official numbers were wrong. The data will give the Ministry of health is known to be “absolutely correct”.

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