a representative of the citizens Foundation promoted in the mark entered for the accession of Bergs Wait. They had to answer many critical questions.

Wartenberg – on The topic of “the citizens Foundation” was the wait Berger Council is again on the agenda – with many critical issues, however, without a decision. This also includes Board of Trustees Chairman Janine Krzizok, as well as the Board of Trustees Michael Utschneider had followed the invitation of the mayor of Christian Pröbst (CSU), “because we have heard that there are questions”, so Krzizok.

That a municipal Council on the Market, a negative decision is excluded you. “The goal is that we are committed for citizens in the district,” said Utschneider. “The Foundation thrives on the fact that there are donors, but also Donors.” He went on to speak about the history of the citizens Foundation, which began in 2011. He asked for advice to people should be helped as a community. “A lot of volunteer work behind it,” he said further. “But this p. runs'” Financially, the savings-man had a clear vision: “We want a Donation.”

Many benefit from the work

Krzizok, the trade introduced people to the Board of Trustees. The district administrator Martin Bayer, storfer, William Scharl (entrepreneur), Jochen Flinner (FMG’s regional relations officer), and Hans Moritz (editor-in-chief of the Erdinger/Dorfener Anzeiger) in addition to her and Utschneider. The panel in Erding, youth fire brigades and parish associations that have already benefited from the Foundation, so Krzizok. “Are you involved in the citizens Foundation”, she appealed.

Heike Kronseder (FWG) wanted to know: “What is the income? Interest there are not Yes.“ The had to admit Utschneider. That’s why they need donations so that they could be active.

“Spongy” articles of Association

Carla Marx (New center), reminded us of the already broad, negative decision. She saw the Readers of the local newspaper, “light in the heart” as the better Alternative. Utschneider fell in embarrassment. Donations were given: “We may not save forever.” Endowments, by contrast, would lead to the capital stock added.

Marx was a clause in the Statute, which provides, by way of derogation from the presentation of the Foundation’s representatives a “standard market compensation” for a Trustee, and the hint of a “self-service”. Utschneider said that the Board of Trustees awarded such Work as cheaply as possible. Marx, however, remained critical: the wording of The Statute remained “vague”.

Who appoints new Trustees?

Josef Sedlmaier (CSU) wanted to know how the Board of Trustees is composed, and whether there is a choice. Utschneider: “The Foundation Assembly will still occupy an additional Board of Trustees. It should cover the width of the population. Of course, we also have a regional proportional system.“ Sedlmaier insisted: “the chosen?” Utschneider explained that the majority of the members are proposed by the Foundation Board itself.

Dominik Rutz (Green) had a Problem with the composition of the panel. He wanted to know why this was based on the term of the circle of the day. The one for twelve, the other for six years, it was a “small close circle”. Utschneider, said: “You just have to start to bring it on the way.”

savings Bank as a beneficiary?

Despite the criticism wished Utschneider, that “the market mountain a Euro per inhabitant it is, that would be 5400 Euro.” Because the management of the assets needs to run according to the articles of Association of the savings banks, looked to Marx, this is a credit Institute as the main beneficiaries of the Foundation. So they brought Utschneider again, visibly embarrassed.

Not so critical to see the topic of Bernd scheu Meier (CSU). The renewed decision to join the market day falls on Wednesday, 22. July.

Klaus Kuhn