more and more municipalities want to enforce the car-free cities – and the Corona-crisis measures without the usual administrative procedures and possibilities for Appeal to come through. So installed Berlin or Stuttgart short-hand “Pop-Up”bike paths and strokes for the passenger car lanes. Hamburg wants to mused a car-free City, Berlin’s transport Senator some time ago, even on a ban of private traffic in the capital. In practice, such actions often lead to Chaos. Two current examples are Stuttgart and Munich:

  • are replaced with B27 by Stuttgart a traffic lane by a Bicycle path. In social networks, upload a video, show in massive traffic jams – while on the bike path in the rain a gaping Void prevails.
  • In Munich was introduced by the red-green city government the “Red wave” by the new traffic light phases in front of the Prince Regent street. It can form at peak times is now significant congestion. Particularly bizarre: According to the city, the measure of air pollution, because of the need to meet the compliance with EU limit values at a certain nitrogen oxide-measurement station. “So far, the new measure, however, seems to lead to only one thing: more traffic, the taut part to the A94 back to standing. On the highway, there were, according to the ADAC on Monday to 15 at three jams,” writes the newspaper “Münchner Merkur”. A site visit confirmed this. In fact, the cars accumulate by around one and a half-minute Red light on the A94, and commuters will experience dangerous situations: vehicles driving in queues and want to fall in line quickly in the direction of downtown, block, but then the Tunnel entrance to the Middle Ring, sometimes truck have to lie down for full braking. Cattle man at the end of the A94 in Munich: After the city has introduced the “Red wave” at some traffic lights, there’s a long backlog

traffic planning: the reality?

The growing frustration of commuters the transport planners are usually cold – called the traffic was turning only with a drastic reduction of the car traffic. But is this realistic? A study by the Center for Automotive Research (CAR) shows a different picture: Even in big cities, the car density increases further. And the preference of Cycling distorts the reality: “The car has been for long years a stable share of around 85% of passenger-kilometres,” says study leader Professor Ferdinand Dudenhöffer of the traffic in Germany. Three per cent of cyclists and 58 percent of motorists between the public TRANSPORT with 39 per cent On these Figures, the car-Club “Mobil in Deutschland” in a specially conducted study. Abendzeitung München

from the city is an integral part of the car. The Association “mobility in Germany” calculated for Munich in the year 2019, a car-share to the payment of passenger-kilometres by 58 percent. The bike, so it is popular with city residents, too, made only a meager three percent.

big-city people are not “car-tired”

“says A like-used assertion that in cities, the people ‘car-tired’ be. But this cannot be proved, but the opposite is the case,” says Ferdinand Dudenhöffer. “Among the 15 largest cities in Germany Munich has made the biggest leap in the development of the vehicle stock. Proud two percent or 14.554 additional Cars came in the year 2020 in Munich on the street. This corresponds to an average car length of a queue of 64 kilometers. That would be in about five Car-rows side by side of the Alliance Area to Marienplatz,” says Dudenhöffer vividly. But also in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, Frankfurt and Stuttgart, the number of passenger cars had increased. CAR replace more and more cars in German cities

New cars are usually old

“the net of the passenger Car stock increased to 620,000 passenger Cars on Germany’s roads. With a lot of the new Cars and old ones were replaced,” says Dudenhöffer. This should also be an explanation for why, despite growing traffic volumes, air pollution in the cities for years, continuously goes back, The newer the car, the less pollutants it produces. A growing proportion of locally emission-free electric cars is yet to come. Red wave, provoked traffic jams: car club chief of transport policy, FOCUS Online rips Red wave, provoked traffic jams: car club chief of traffic policy

Home Office and Online rips-trade as a traffic jam brake

Per 1000 inhabitants in Berlin today, 335 of cars in Hamburg 437, in Cologne and Frankfurt, 452, in Munich, 503. “In the next few years can be expected with increasing vehicle densities,” says Dudenhöffer. However, the cars are not used much more often, absolutely: the Home Office and the growing Online trade could ultimately lead to less traffic in the cities. “The congestion and Parking problems in the city locations are more likely to be less. The incentive to afford a car even in big cities, is increasing,” believes the car market-Expperte. And with a quiet, exhaust-free electric motors cars of the “city-friendly” would. All of the build thickness of the electric SUV, Mini, however, are: the City-Stromer in the first Test, FOCUS Online/Wochit All the build thickness of the electric SUV, Mini, however, are: the City-Stromer in the first Test

cities want to reduce traffic

That there will be less Parking-Not in the cities, however, is not identified. In some cities, the opposite could be the case. The konflitkt lines between car-Fans and car-opponents are likely to in the future, be even sharper, because many cities want to limit the traffic in each case. For the summer holidays, for example, Munich, is to get up to 15 traffic-calmed “summer streets”, for example, on the Nymphenburger canal, on the zenetti’s square and to the West of Ried road. The city also wants to reduce with other projects, ultimately, thousands of Parking spaces.

2020, the “Corona-bend”

in Addition, the currently crashed car market is expected to cause in the year 2020, the growth curve gets in the car, at least a kink: “With the Corona pandemic has often been argued that because of the lower risk of Infection in their own car compared to public transport modes more people would be using the car on the road. It is clear, however, that the number of Cars and Car density are increasing in the year 2020, significantly slower than in previous years,” says car market expert Dudenhöffer.

as well as Trends such as Auto-subscription that could lead to perhaps not the use of the car, but the number of the car owner goes back to come. But the Vision of a car-free city is likely to remain just that: a Vision.