the 750 billion euros will be invested by the EU in the reconstruction. With a focus on technologies for the future of the European Green should be Deal to engine for new jobs. The German economic stimulus package of 130 billion euros is now also an impetus for more climate protection. The DW looks at five ideas.

1. Energy

is The future, especially the solar energy. Today often produces the cheapest electricity. Together with the wind power and storage technologies renewable energy provide a cheap energy supply and new Jobs. According to the study, the Finnish LUT University will increase the number of jobs in a transition to renewable energy, compared to today, almost 50 per cent.

In the case of an ambitious transition of the energy supply to 2040 follow-up study according to the current LUT-compliance with the Parisian a 1.5-degree goal is still possible.

so Far, the Expansion of solar and wind energy is slowing down often. Karl-Josef Hildenbrand/dpa

2. mobility

most of our used means of transport such as cars need oil and cause CO2-emissions. The stimulus programs now give impulses for a different kind of mobility. Promoted the Expansion of the train and local public transport, cycle paths, electric vehicles and the charging infrastructure for electric cars should be.

A special challenge was the turning point in the shipping and air transport. Here batteries are not an Option, they would be too big and heavy. The air traffic can be achieved by shifting to Rail will reduce. In addition, Diesel and kerosene by synthetic fuels replaced, which could be generated from green electricity and hydrogen in a climate-neutral.

3. Living

By Heating with coal, Oil and natural gas worldwide is set to release a lot of CO2. Houses can be renovated and will need approximately 80 percent less energy. The remaining demand for heat can be, especially with electricity-powered heat pumps, ceilings, as well as to a smaller proportion also with solar power, and biomass.

This modernization creates Jobs and invigorates the economy. In Germany, according to a study with a state grant of 12 billion euros to 80,000 Jobs in the next five years to secure. Positive side effect: The Heating costs decrease.

4. Production

The industry is dependent on finite resources such as Oil, Gas and coal. The can change: chemicals, plastics, and steel can be produced with hydrogen and synthetic fuels climate substances neutral.

However, there is this fuel hardly. Compared to those made from petroleum, they are far too expensive and could not prevail without support on the market. Now the production has to be established. The German government wants to invest with the economic stimulus package of seven billion euros.

/iStockphoto hydrogen Is the miracle cure for a green future?

5. Nutrition

the Potential for new Jobs offers to agriculture. The cultivation of organic food compared to conventional farming significantly labour-intensive.

The EU Commission wants to change with the Farm-to-Fork Strategy, the agricultural production and hence greater protection of the environment, climate and biodiversity to achieve. It is planned to halve the use of pesticides on farmland and the antibiotics in the fattening of animals up to 2030. For humans and animals, the healthier it is.

environmental groups also call for a rebalancing of the EU-subsidies to farmers. Who produced sustainably should be rewarded and get more money.

author: Gero Rueter

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*The contribution of “economic stimulus packages: Five spaces for Jobs and climate” is published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

Deutsche Welle