How can the appearance of new mobility offers, without unwanted side effects for Taxis, public transport and Employees of this? After long discussions, a breakthrough is there.

Berlin (dpa) – The planned Reform of the Taxi and car service market in Germany to come to an overarching agreement on the way.

As the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) said on Friday agreed to a conscript Commission, the majority of vertices. On this Basis, he would prepare a draft law. “Together, we want to enable new digital mobility offers and to bring forward,” said Scheuer. Here, fair competition and Standards are important. The municipalities should also get control options.

The Commission, with representatives from the Bundestag and the countries should allow for a broad consensus. The principles have now agreed to the Union, the SPD and the greens, the FDP parliamentary group, said Scheuer.

the Background is that, especially in the cities of new providers coming on to the market, where multiple passengers share a car – they are but so far only with the exception of rules on-the-go. However, driving on the country buses often only rarely, and then often with a few passengers. Where pooling could provide services more flexible offers. To come service intermediaries like Uber. The classic taxi industry fears that a market reform is under enormous pressure.

According to the vertices of digitally-mediated mobility to be in a legally secure framework. For a “fair balance between the different forms of Transport” to be maintained, the obligation to Return a rental car, basically. It says that a new drive must services after each trip to the operation of the seat back, and – unlike classical Taxis not on the road to customer must wait. In rural areas there should be more flexible offers. On-Demand services, such as pooling models should be strengthened. In General, the function and competitiveness of Public transport is to be maintained.

The Greens welcomed the agreement. “We are pleased that we have managed to allow new offers to fix them but at the same time responsibly,” said Baden-württemberg’s transport Minister Winfried Hermann and the Chairman of the Bundestag Committee on Transport, Cem Özdemir. “Public TRANSPORT and taxi trades are not only protected, but new ways to develop further.” New car services, and Pooling offers that would be possible, the local authorities could do this, but with rules and taxes. To anti-dumping were part of the rules, such as requirements of minimum prices driving. Mediation platforms of the train services would have to take responsibility for the compliance with the rules.