During the Corona-lock downs of the lives of most people was focused mainly on the own four walls. Accordingly, more garbage fell. Freising confirmed the Germany-wide Trend.

County – Due to the increasing loosening of the social life picks up again. However, in the past three months, the lives of most people was focused mainly on the own four walls. Accordingly, more garbage fell. This nationwide Trend is also in the district of Freising noticeably.


as for the rest of the garbage Hold, speaks to Robert Stangl, spokesperson for the district administrative office, of a “clear upward trend”. In March 2312,52 tons of waste accumulated be about 277 tonnes more than in March 2019. The April Figures are similar: it was last year, around 2277, this year there are 2448 tons. The organic waste was 667 tonnes in March 2020 approximately constant for the same month last year (679). “However, a significant increase in year-on-year notice of 745 tonnes (2019) to 839 tons in 2020 here in April; similarly, an increase for may as follows was: From 726 tonnes in 2019 to 951 tonnes in 2020,” according to Stangl.

commercial waste “a noticeable decline”

According to the recycling company The Green dot, in particular, the plastic has. the volume of waste from private households due to Corona increased since March, about ten percent more packing landed waste in the yellow bin or the Yellow bag This would be in the Freising district office, no specific amounts, since this was not a municipal task, says Robert Stangl. “After consultation with the relevant sorting system, but it can be said that the amount of increase due to the Corona-crisis of about ten to 15 percent can be confirmed for the County.”

by the Way: For commercial waste, which is burned, let in comparison to the previous year, to determine that the amounts from the district for March and April “were already noticeably on the decline,” said the spokesman of the district authority. Specifically, the make about a quarter of the previous amount.

news in the district of Freising

It is a big surprise was on wheels: The Schlüter-Fans, Christine and Johann Helminger gave, in spite of Corona’s. The path to the registry office was spectacular.

In the course of downtown redevelopment will be for cyclists in Freising centre closely. For you will now set up a redirection: through the Chamber end.