knock Since Danny Wild, sports Director of GC Valley, quiet times on the shoulder. While the tournament Golf around the world is still in the Corona of sleep, beat off from today, the best Amateur Golfer in Germany in the Valley.

is The tireless founder of the sport of Golf manufactory and head coach of the women’s and men’s League Teams the GCV has managed with a lot of effort and nights long, to attract the Who-is-Who of the German Amateur Golf in the County. And at the end of the thumb of the PGA, the world Association of professional golfers then went to the top.

So it goes well in the next few days even valuable world ranking points. From this Morning (practice round) to Thursday noon 144 male and female players of the Top-class will fight for the victory in the GMS schäffler dance International Open. Three rounds of 18 holes will decide at the end about who can take the coveted points and the money prizes to take home.

at the naming of the Events Wild delivers something Special. “The Inspiration came through the Coopers’ dance, the Munich Fassbinder in the year of 1517 called into life.” To calm at the time, at the end of the plague epidemic, the population, and to bring public life back in gear, led the Schäffler their now world-famous dance for the suffering people.

Michael Weichselgartner, President of the GC, Valley, found the idea awesome: “In Accordance with this Tradition, and the current Corona pandemic, we have invited the athletes, in order to fulfil their objectives and we will give them a hope for the platform.”

The only Sad thing, that all of this must take place behind closed doors. “To be the imposed hygiene concept may, unfortunately, accompany any viewers of the Stars on the court,” explains Weichselgartner. The Fans are not allowed to at least go this year with the round. Even for the Driving Range must register the player and deny. “It is always only 20 players allowed to be at the same time on the training ground!”

Danny Wilde is very happy that he was able to the Whole after a month-long break forced to push and that his young talent will have the opportunity to show, once again, under competitive conditions, you Can. “It’s a real test run as the first big tournament in Germany,” he says, not without Pride.

the German Association uses this event to adjustments as well as further easing measures. The most Important thing, the challenge of the sport, wants to know the Wild, in the foreground, placed: “It is an absolute Top-of-the tournament will have logged in for the best players in Germany.” After the cancellation of all official Championships of the GSM schäffler dance Open is likely to be probably the most high-profile tournament in Germany.

This Valley’s sports Director sees his charges on the court with one of the favorites. Verena Gimmy (+5.4) and Chiara Horder (+3,4) want to offer for the ladies of the former number one of the European Amateur rankings, the Serbian Pia Babnik, Paroli. In addition, Helen Kreuzer (+4,1) to make the Frankfurter GC and Marie Bechthold (+3,7) from GC St. Leon-Rot, great hopes on the victory.

For men, the favorites list is even longer. The two Pros Alexander Knappe (GC Paderborn) and Michael Pfeiffer (Stuttgart, Solitude) are sure to be at the front. Daniel Schmieding from strasslach will be with his Handicap of +5 is very promising. On their home advantage, Nicolas Horder (+3.7), and Raphael Geissler (+3,5) and Johannes Hounsgaard (+3,5) build.

no Matter how it turns out athletic: Danny Wilde and Michael Weichselgartner will present themselves in every case as perfectly prepared host. Because one thing is clear: this tournament GC Valley writes, in any case, Golf’s history.

Jörg Wedekind