Horst Seehofer announces a lawsuit against the Berlin “Tageszeitung” of a column. He wants to speak again on Monday.

“taz”column is hotly debated. Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer has announced that it will display. Many think that this is an interference in the freedom of the press.

Update, Monday, 22.06.2020, 13.15 PM: the Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU), has put into perspective on Monday afternoon, his first made announcement of a criminal complaint against the “taz”-author Hengameh yaghoobi Farah part. At a press conference in Stuttgart, he said that he would discuss in the afternoon after returning to Berlin the facts of the case in the Ministry finally, and decide.

at the same time he emphasised, however, that a display is correctly, if you see a border crossing. “And the personal opinion I am,” said the CSU politician. Seehofer had said in the first place the “image”newspaper (Monday) concrete: “I will tomorrow as the Federal Minister of the interior, criminal charges against the columnist, because of the unspeakable article in the taz about the police.”

At the Federal press conference had provided his Statement in the image-Medium for criticism.

initial message:

Berlin – Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer reaps strong criticism after he announced a controversial column in the Berlin daily “Tageszeitung” on the police* a criminal complaint. The national Director of the Green Michael Kellner, wrote on Twitter: “This is an attack on the freedom of press , regardless of whether one finds the opinion, post is good or bad.”

Fierce debate on “taz”-column

With a view to the Hungarian Prime Minister and the head of the Polish government party, each of which Illiberalism is accused of, he added: “A Minister of interior , displays a journalist, sounds like Orban or Kaczynski.”


The Green Bundestag MP Konstantin von Notz expressed understanding for the criticism of the column of the newspaper “taz” . But Horst Seehofer “exceeds a limit,” wrote Notz in the short message service. His colleague Renate Künast called Seehofer’s approach there “outrageous” and asked: “is This supposed to be a message!? Against Freedom Of The Press!? Seehofer at the end.“

Seehofer against “taz”-Text: What is Satire allowed to do?

In the “taz”-Text it was not a case where police officers could work, if the police would be abolished, capitalism but. Also, the Option of landfill was picked up. From the profession group and of politicians, a lot of criticism came after. “taz”-editor-in-chief Barbara Young expressed due to the column of her Regret.

The former CDU General Secretary Ruprecht Polenz Seehofer’s announcement was wrong. “Of course, hatred lead to violence. But it is not a matter of censorship, but rather to (Self -) responsibility of the Speech and Writing“, he tweeted.

TV satirist Jan böhmermann did not write in the direction of Horst Seehofer : “We are here in Turkey, in Russia or in the year 1962! With this dangerous sensationalism, Horst Seehofer, not only damaged the trust in the state. What authority has a Minister who needs to put an axe out of his office out of the debate?“

Seehofer expresses to riots in Stuttgart

CSU-politicians, Horst Seehofer had been announced in the “Bild”newspaper on Sunday evening: “I’m going to tomorrow as the Federal Minister of the interior, a criminal complaint against columnist because of the unspeakable article in the “taz” about the police.” He explained with reference to the riots in Stuttgart* : “A disinhibition of words inevitably leads to a disinhibition of the actions and excesses of Violence, just as we have seen it now in Stuttgart. We are not allowed to accept more.“ (FR/dpa)

*fr.de is part of the nationwide Ippen-editors network