damage to the cartilage of the fourth degree in the right knee, his active football career seemed finished, sporting seemed to be no longer an issue. But Alexander fürth Maier (32) was lucky. The striker of the land leaguers Kirchheimer SC found in Dr. Alexandra schöll head from the Isar hospital of the Doctor of his confidence with a novel method of treatment and attacks again.

Kirchheim – damage to the cartilage of the fourth degree in the right knee, his active football career seemed over, the Sport appeared to be no longer an issue. But Alexander fürth Maier (32) was lucky. The striker of the land leaguers Kirchheimer SC found in Dr. Alexandra schöll head from the Isar hospital of the Doctor of his confidence with a novel method of treatment and attacks again. Kirchheim – As a six-year-old Alexander fürth Maier on delivery for the first time for the Kirchheimer SC, on the side of the also this year in the national League Team storms the Co-Trainer Fabian Löns and Dominik Achilles, the supervisor of the first team, and the current Corona officer.

The last use in the KSC-the First is for “Panna Maier” – in the “Kreisal” before the Training, he often gets a leg shot, also known as “Panna” is called – however, for quite a while: in The season finale 2018/2019 on 27. In April of last year (4:1 at SC Green Heather) he celebrated with the Team after a nearly 25-minute appearance in fishermen’s houses in the district League championship.

For the Senior squad – he is four days older than Ricardo Jacobi – broke after a time of suffering. “The problems came rather slowly,” he recalls. A sharp pain in the front of the right knee, at times intense, other times barely perceptible. Fürth Maier: “at some point, it was better. Presumably, the patella tendon, I thought.“

Then the terrible diagnosis: cartilage damage of the fourth degree. The severity of a so-called Chondropathy to the articular cartilage is to describe the physicians with the help of a special classification. In the case of degree four, the cartilage layer is completely destroyed and concealed the bone is exposed. In this case, one also speaks of a bone-bald head. Because the bones in the knee joint of an approximately five centimetre thick layer of Cartilage usually covered, and the smooth, firm and elastic surface of the cartilage allows smooth movement of the joint. In addition, the pressure and shock loading on the bone with the cartilage evenly distributed, he is so protected. The cartilage has no nerves and no longer growing after puberty.

“The first doctor I was, wanted to treat me conservatively,” says fürth Maier. The Mix of physiotherapy, joint injections, bandages and medical pain therapy helps to stabilize existing damage and mitigate the resulting symptoms, already lost cartilage substance can not be built new. “A second doctor suggested, the older method of cartilage transplantation to make”, which would have had the two interventions.

Then he turned to Dr. med. Alexandra schöll head (50) for three years as a senior physician in the clinic for Orthopaedics and trauma surgery at Isar Klinikum and, among other things, on cartilage and osteoarthritis therapy specialized. “You introduced me to a new method, there were studies which described the prospects of success. She has taken from me any fear,“ says Alexander fürth Maier.

On 22. October 2019 operated on by Dr. med. Schöll head, after two weeks he could walk without crutches, slightly limping after two weeks, the knees stretch back to normal, the Problem is the diffraction was: “I didn’t have to build slowly again, and was allowed to – in order not to endanger the success of the Operation, first of all only a maximum 30 degree bend and then increase slowly. In the KSC-winter training camp, the patella made tendon problems, but the crucial MRI at the end of January 2020 gave him the certainty that The cartilage had formed completely.

+ Back in Training: KSC-veteran Alexander fürth Maier (l.) in the case of the first exercise unit according to the corona-induced break with coach Steven Toy.©Guido Verstegen

the damage was to the hole, but pretty tall. “But I was lucky, it was a wonderful damage, a good player in cartilage,” grins fürth Maier, who is his Doctor very grateful. “There is no hole to see,” says Dr. med. Schöll head, “have we achieved with relatively little effort, a lot – it’s huge.” The Physician injected in arthroscopy, a liquid Collagen-Matrix – the Material itself, it’s been a few years in fürth Maier’s knee: “a prerequisite was that there were in all the right Places yet to cartilage remnants, it lubricates the Material, so to speak, about it and must wait, that the Whole of the hardened and the cartilage back. Now it is soft again.“

“a year Ago, I thought’ really, my athlete life is over,” says Alexander fürth Maier, who stopped as B-a teenager with the football, the Tennis had apply (five years in the TC 1983 Kirchheim) and then to the KSC in the newly formed third team had returned. “That was more fun-Kick – with the right people, it was always important to me.” Fürth Maier played in the second team, has also been used in and out of the First one, then climbed under Ivica Coric from the circle class in the national League.

After the descent of 2016 player-coach Steven Toy brought it back in the first team, they know each other already for a very long time – Alexander’s mother Stevens days mother once was. “He was really very persistent,” recalls the graduate business information specialist and Software developer, “and I then get back in the right mood. Because I felt in the team from the beginning very well. We are like a family.“

And with this family it wants to tackle Alexander fürth Maier once again and play this in every respect a particular season in any case, at the end: “I can’t wait, that we can train properly again!”