Blurs in diplomatic relations between Paris and Ankara. Emmanuel Macron denounced Monday 22 June 2020 the “dangerous game” of Turkey in Libya, seeing it as a direct threat to the region and for Europe. “Today I consider that Turkey is playing in Libya a dangerous game and is in violation of all its commitments taken at the conference of Berlin,” he issued after a meeting with his tunisian counterpart Kais Saied to the French presidency. The head of the French State are said to have held “the same speech” during a telephone interview Monday afternoon with the u.s. president Donald Trump. “It is in the interest of Libya and of its neighbours, throughout the region, but also of Europe “, he added.

Emmanuel Macron has also called for “an end to foreign interference and unilateral acts of those who claim to be able to earn new positions with the pro-war” in Libya. Turkey has become the main international support of the government of national unity (GNA) of Tripoli, which resumed in early June, the control of the whole of north-western Libya, by pushing the forces of field marshal Khalifa Haftar, the strong man of the eastern part of the country.

Read also The letter of the Maghreb – Libya, the new Vietnam

The strengths of the RNG now aim the coastal city of Sirte (450 km east of Tripoli), strategic lock to the Is controlled by the marshal Haftar. On Saturday, egyptian president Abdel Fattah al-Sissi, the main support of the marshal with the united arab Emirates has warned that any advanced pro-NEG towards Sirte could lead to an intervention to “direct” in Cairo. The GNA, recognized by the Un, has denounced as a “declaration of war” threats of Egypt.

Behavior extremely aggressive

The tone does growing up between Paris and Ankara, France accusing Turkey of providing weapons to the GNA in violation of a un embargo, and to have had a behavior to be “extremely aggressive” against one of its frigates in the Mediterranean. Turkey accuses his side in Paris to support the marshal Haftar and be the “sub-contractor of some countries of the region” in the libyan crisis, an allusion to the Uae and Egypt.

” France, and Tunisia, are demanding that the belligerents to cease fire and hold their commitment to resume the negotiations undertaken in the framework of the united Nations in order to restore the safety and security of all, to proceed to the reunification of the libyan institutions and to engage in the reconstruction for the benefit of all Libyans “, said Emmanuel Macron in front of the press at the side of Mr. Saied, that it was the second official visit abroad, after Algeria, since its election in October.

also Read Libya : the defeat of the West

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