” It’s at the end of the harvest that we are counting the things*. “Under a lot of pressure for this second round of municipal elections, the mayor (KVD) of Montpellier, and candidate to his re-election, Philippe Saurel (who harvested kings 19,11 % of the votes in the first round) knows that” the battle is complicated in a complex environment “, but did watch serenity. “It’s going to do it… “, glisse-t-il, multiplying the interventions on the ground, him who had been deprived because of a surgical intervention, during the campaign of the first round which he had requested the cancellation in the government because of the pandemic.

The elected, fiercely independent, who won in 2014 the city hall and the metropolis in the nose and the beard of the political apparatus, is caught in a vice between the two candidates. On the one hand, the socialist Michaël Delafosse (second in the first round with 16,66 % of the votes), former assistant to the mayor previous, Hélène Mandroux, who had not won the nomination of his party in the previous ballot, to a – in 2014, the primary, the activists had preferred to Jean-Pierre Moure. For the second round, the one who hopes to take his revenge has teamed up with Europe Ecology-The Greens (EELV) – and said, stubbornly : “I want to bring a new breath to Montpellier. With my team, we present substantive issues on transportation, health, or safety. It’s necessary to remain serious when others prefer to dodge. The issue at stake is the future of Montpellier “.

In what direction ? “It is time to turn your back on the balance sheet of the mayor in committing the necessary ecological transition and for economic development,” says Michaël Delafosse. All this therefore calls for a governance soothed. “In the battle, Michaël Delafosse can rely on the device and socialist activists who hope to return to power in the capital héraultaise. Which, for Philippe Saurel, is to ” choose the socialist system, leaving the city under the guardianship of the region, whose headquarters is in Toulouse and in the department “.

poker game

on the other hand, the current mayor has in front of him and the candidacy of a head of the company started from scratch and the outstanding success, now at the head of a group of 42 000 employees in 50 countries, Mohed Altrad (third with 13,30 % of the votes in the first round), who attempted a “coup de poker” by allying with the comique youtubeur (Rémi Gaillard), a dissident ecologist (Clothilde Ollier) and the candidate BIA (Alenka Doulain). Alliances for the less baroque, with figures of the far-left who still generate misunderstanding. “In poker, it takes all. Or we lose everything, ” ran a headline in its issue of mid-June The Gazette of Montpellier.

What is important ! The applicant now provides a posture antisystème. “I’ve always said that I will try a rally the broadest possible support Mohed Altrad, outside of political parties and putting forward a generation that has not known Georges Frêche (ex-mayor iconic, who died in 2010, editor’s NOTE). With my list, we represent all of Montpellier “, says the industrial. That, in spite of its third position in the polls, do not loose nothing, promising a large economic stimulus package to combat the economic crisis, one billion euros for the medicine and the appreciation of the associative fabric as well as 1 000 € to 40 000 households in the most precarious. And Altrad to attack head his opponents : “Saurel and Delafosse come out of the same mold, loose the self-taught. They have occupied the same delegations and attended the same party. The first is the master of everything, knows everything but does nothing. The second, it is the same, it will be the same thing but with less skill. “

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attacks ad hominen that the current master of Montpellier, which has been excluded from the PS (which he said he would be proud, ” which does not exclude beliefs “), sweeps of a reverse of hand : “I do not like to everyone, I’m not perfect, but I applied to the program for which I was elected to 100 %, ” says Philippe Saurel. He is accused of deciding alone ? “When he had to manage the health crisis, nobody has sent me such a critic,” replied he, stung. And I’ve done it with the prefect, while Mr Altrad took care of her business and that the candidate of the socialist Party was on vacation. Let’s stop the trial of intent ! Georges Frêche was angry with the region, the successive chairs of the department, the prefects, in which he said he was worse than hanging, and he has brought out a dozen of municipalities of the first version of the agglo… ” will Not catch not Saurel who wants to ! “More than ever, I claim my independence, my freedom, said the rebel claimed. And we saw during the health crisis, how important it was to bring these values, which have resulted in good management, while the State was in the garbage… ” In the city that Georges Frêche has shaped – with urban planner visionary Raymond Dugran –, we love the character-drenched.

*Containers of wood and plastic that are used to collect and transport the grapes

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Municipal in Montpellier : the billionaire, the youtubeur and the mayor hospitalized Municipal : 11 cities under voltage