Perfect Timing! On your swimming Pool-photo of this woman caught exactly the right Moment. But, unfortunately, not only that – in the Background is disgusting plays.

Our article from 1. November 2019:

Munich – What you can do to have the perfect photo for his Social Media-get channel. Many Attempts and at some point the optimal snapshot works. So also in the case of this woman that loved in the Pool to the flash light.

hair in water dipped, the back of the neck quickly thrown back – voila, here is the lovely photo, it looks as if the hair style would be associated with the surface of the water. So it has to work. A screen where everything looks like it has the woman probably wanted. But the Moment a thing is wrong. Two people have not played, it has not itched or?

wife post cool swimming Pool photo but in the Background it is disgusting

If you look closely, standing on a small increase of two ladies, who must have felt unobserved. The Red and Black-clad women have probably felt a little itching or the piece of clothing wasn’t all right. But see for yourself:

+ the women’s Scratch on the Butt or adjust your clothing?

The beautiful hair fountain in the foreground is forgotten when you see the people scratching themselves vigorously on the butt. Too bad for the lady who has given so much trouble for the perfect shot. Nevertheless, there has been rarely an image in the calculated two women at the same time your Butt “control”.

this photo makes many people crazy: “I see it and I hate it!”

And this Couple has discovered a Pool BELOW his room.

Pool-photo-Panne: a User making a big fuss over the Background

User on the platform of “Bored Panda” to see only the woman with the red garment, and then write: “See the woman in black? It’s an epidemic!“. A other looks, the less of a problem: “If it itches…”. And, in turn, the next one will feel attacked, and says: “imagine that a man would do”.

another user is trying to sarcastically work up the reason why the woman does it. A whimsical discussion around the hands to shake. “Hmmm, I’ll do it here, where no one sees you, before I shake someone’s hands,” speculated the User through the thought process. Then he gets the answer: “You shake, usually with the right Hand”. “Not if you’re left-handed”, answers the other two users. He then defends himself: “In the Netherlands, we always shake the right Hand”.

on The Internet, many more photos, in which only the second view decides to circulate. A Fitness Model’s open to retouschieren your photos and handle your critics. A Nativity scene had an uninvited guest – recognize it immediately?

Embarrassing it was for six women because of a photo mishap: a mishap on your snapshot of the bride-to-be have screwed up virgin, your Surprise message to groom and on top of that, a lot of ridicule on the Internet to be harvested.

In a lecture hall is only after a few seconds, clearly, who else is in the room. On a holiday photo-a incredible Detail is visible. On a rather unglamorous Party-photo it comes at a bitter Moment. And also, another bizarre photo, even from Munich, has been circulating on the net: What is it with the Stepper in the U-Bahn in Munich, could not be revealed.

this Is the strangest burglar-story of the year? Officials find bizarre Situation.

On a bizarre photo, a man has taken the name of a rapper too literally, or simply only ingenious Trick? You Decide.

Embarrassing breakdown of a “Love island”contestant – she posted a photo, and only a year later, not noticed, what is wrong with it.

A Student wanted to see the perfect photo of the closing ceremony – but the result, well … you.

This underground recording will be celebrated by Fans of “photos with hidden Details” – it is also quite surprising.

Nasty puzzles: This is such a simple task until almost everyone on the glue.

A Reddit User shared a picture with fruits, on the some is not to vote and those who look closer, you can actually discover a strange Detail.

A Influencerin under a delicate breakdown of delivery – the Video makes for Instagram-mockery.

For years, the App “yodel” is particularly popular among young people. A User from the district of Munich, has now shared an image of a supermarket with a funny Detail.

A customer posts a picture from a supermarket. Although he was afraid to be kicked out, asked the User yet: “do it”.

A Park bench photo with a cute Detail to many viewers excited.