thanks to Zoom, the Microsoft Teams, Skype and co. can remain colleagues and superiors, in spite of Coronavirus and the home office in a lively exchange with each other.

That video conferencing in these times, are for the benefit of the communication, seems to be out of the question, you come to the usual Face-to-Face conversation the next, as can Gestures and facial Expressions of the other perceive.

Due to the Revision of various studies, psychologists now consider, however, that this type of communication was significantly more strenuous for the brain, and to lead, as a result, errors and exhaustion.

video conferencing is strict, the brain

A study showed in 2008 that the conversation effort via video telephony, the brain more than a normal conversation, because it calls for more concentration.

This is because of the loss of information must be balanced by the absence of signals, for example, peripheral See.

The additional information, however, are important because they help the brain to develop a sense, says André Spicer, Professor of organisational psychology at the University of London.

in Addition, the further study shows that the own image in the Monitor uncertainty and Stress, since this leads to the fact that it focuses more on the own effect.

In the center and less on the content of a conversation as rather, factors such as sympathy for the Opposite.

the focus of attention, which can have an impact even on the results of the video conference, as the study showed that from 2008 also shifts.

To many Video Meetings can lead sick

each other do follow a lot of video conferences, and private exchanges on digital means of communication, is shifting this emotional fatigue, so Spicer.

this created a psychological disease called “Zoom Fatigue is even Discussed” (derived from the video conference platform ‘Zoom’).

the Negative consequences of video conferencing

  • increased effort for the brain (difficulty in concentrating)
  • fatigue (‘Zoom Fatigue’)
  • shift of focus
  • altered sense of lost signals
  • error due to incorrect evaluation

gallery: The 11 best tips for Stress

video conferencing can lead to negative consequences

Other contexts in which Video-Meetings can have a negative impact, have application calls. Candidates for recruiters is less convincing, so a meta-analysis found out already in 2016.

Similarly, it looked at digital exams in the school context. Experts suggest that here, too, the mirror effect of the own image picked up on the Monitor, negative impact.

Also before the court is a digital mode of Transmission of concern for the less trust and understanding in the case of judges.

psychotherapists complained überfehlende connectedness to patients, if the treatment took place digital.

Not surprisingly, transmission disruptions worsened the problem. For example, the Opposite was perceived as significantly less friendly and the shows already in the case of a delay of only one second, as a study from 2014.

What can you do?

Since the end of the Corona pandemic, and thus a speedy return to life as usual is not clear, it is important to neutralize the disadvantages of the Video Meetings in a different way.

experts believe that it is wise, therefore, for the image function and re-issue or mere telephone calls back to access. Also the cover image on the Monitor is recommended.

in addition, you should avoid Multitasking and breaks from the digital sound system will be strictly adhered to.

That employee, which is not all the time image-sound conversation with colleagues or superiors, achieve better results, was demonstrated in a study in which it was necessary to solve tricky Puzzles.


  • Spicer, A. (2020): Finding endless video calls exhausting? You’re not alone, archived from the original on 22.06.2020
  • Ferran, C. et al. (2008) Videoconferencing in the Field: A Heuristic Processing Model, retrieved on 22.06.2020
  • Miller, M., K. (2017): Through the Looking Glass: The Effects of Feedback on Self-Awareness and Conversational Behaviour during Video Chat, archived from the original on 22.06.2020
  • Blacksmith, N. (2016): Technology in the Employment Interview: A Meta-Analysis and Future Research Agenda, retrieved on 22.06.2020
  • Wegge, J. (2009): Communication via Videoconference: Emotional and Cognitive Consequences of Affective Personality Dispositions, Seeing One’s Own Picture, and Disturbing Events 22.06.2020
  • Federman, M. (2006): On the Media Effects of Immigration and Refugee Board Hearings via Videoconference, retrieved on 22.06.2020
  • Brahnam, S. (2017): Comparison of In-Person and Screen-Based Analysis Using Communication Models: A First Step Toward the Psychoanalysis of Telecommunications and Its Noise, retrieved on 22.06.2020
  • beautiful mountain, K. et al. (2014): Why are you so slow? – Misattribution of transmission delay to the attributes of the conversation partner at the far-end, archived from the original on 22.06.2020
  • Sio, U. N., et al. (2018): Silence is golden: The effect of verbalization on group performance., archived from the original on 22.06.2020.

Kimberly Papenthin

*The post “video conferences: experts warn of the consequences of digital Meetings” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
