meat producer toennies has brought Corona back to NRW – the political price might have to pay, Armin Laschet. A comment by mercury editor-in-chief George Anastasiadis.

According to the Corona outbreak in Tönnies there are in the NRW-circle Gütersloh a Lockdown . CDU-Prime Minister Armin Laschet late and half-heartedly responds to the situation. However, instead of responsibility , Stokes Laschet, the anger on the other.

The Start in the on Friday beginning holiday, the 365.000 inhabitants of the district of Gütersloh presented sure different. Instead of the summer, so contact lock, Grill and Banned (amazingly, but not the district of Arrest) pleasures now. Thank you for your mess-companies Tönnies* , she did, and the whole country associated with his negligence in danger

The indecisive and overwhelmed-looking CDU Prime Minister Armin Laschet* late and half-heartedly responds. If the is to stop further spread of the Virus* beyond the Region after the long days of Procrastination, and without a strict travel ban, it will show in the coming weeks.

+ mercury-editor-in-chief Georg Anastasiadis©Marcus sleeping

Corona Lockdown in the district of Gütersloh: Laschet anger feeds on other

In Gütersloh does not meet the international Ski Jetset, as in Ischgl . But if more than 1300 Tönnies-employees infect living at over 1000 locations, it sounds like a reaffirmation of the heads of government, the infection had happened “clearly locatable” , ergo, easily manageable, like a mockery.

Re-Laschet Stokes the anger on others – first, there were Romanian and Bulgarian Tönnies-workers, this time it holiday landlords , the reject gütersloh – instead of self-responsibility and to impose travel restrictions for the affected Region. With its around geeiere he forces you to meet other like Bayern Söder , self-care for the health of their citizens and inner German borders for holiday makers to pull – a since the reunification of the unprecedented operation.

Corona mass breakout at Tönnies: Can Laschet of the Chancellor’s ambitions forward?

The suspicion is that the NRW can Minister to long arguments has lead that have little to do with the Virus, but a lot to do with his personal ambitions on the CDU presidency and chancellorship* to. He, of all people, the king of the Slack, should consider with the Chancellor and the other country leaders in may agreed Corona-emergency* and Germany’s first massive Lockdown 2.0* have?

The was not allowed to be. Driven by the force of events, nothing more was left for him now. Should Corona after the Heins Berger carnival-Disaster is actually a second wave of North Rhine-Westphalia set in motion, it is buried laschet’s Chancellor-dreams in the past.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©Marcus sleep