A one-day topic-comment deals with hostility against the police from the left of the spectrum – with heavy accusations.

the German police is increasingly a danger to life and limb exposed. Recently, police were officials faced during the riots in Stuttgart* violence. Why the increasing hatred? A ARD-comment contains plain text and polarized.

In Stuttgart took place last weekend, violence and looting , had violence against the use of force. The incidents are reminiscent of the protest actions in the USA, as they take place after the death of the African-American George Floyd* * * * and part of similar scenes in American cities to be moved.

Stuttgart: police violence as a result of racism Or the real Problem lies somewhere else

the Extent to which the developments in the two Nations are not comparable, so we talked about recently with criminologist and researcher, Christian Pfeiffer, of the differences between the German and the American police system explained. Public fuel to the fire poured the last of the SPD-Chairwoman Saskia esque, which is attested also by the German police racism-Problem , which drew strong criticism.

A comment in the ARD-tagesthemen (Monday, 22. June) to discuss the growing disrespect for police officers in Germany – and the associated violence in the population. the Thomas Berbner spoke about the fact that the police not only sees the danger from the Right exposed, but also that the policy constitutes a tremendous risk: “The right edge as left-wing extremists fighting against the state and its power” is the Thesis of the NDR-journalists – and the “various reasons”, as he describes.

In his comment of 55-Year-old is not afraid of drastic estimates, when he says: “even before Stuttgart have reported to me officials, in the case of young immigrants is a dangerous attitude is spreading: you have forbid us anything”. This development “is not the case, however, from the sky,” as the author finds: derailments compared to the use of forces would be tolerated, in his opinion, only possible “if the vast majority of the company allows it”, so to speak.

ARD-comment to Stuttgart: Berliner taz and Saskia esque as “spiritual arsonists”

Especially in the left-wing extremist scene be attacks on life and limb of police officers is Commonplace. This could not be compared in the Fullness of force applications by police officers to protesters, the opinion of Berbner. If he adds auditing that these Offences should be pursued with full hardness.

As a “spiritual arsonist” describes ARD-comment the Berlin-based taz, the denigrated in a column of police officers and on a level with waste. To make up for the former US-correspondent in Washington is not the first attempt by the capital newspaper, “the left extremist ideology socially acceptable” – of course, under the guise of Satire . Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer was also critical of the article and announced a display of*, then retired, however, surprisingly.

the social Democrat esque will be punished by Thomas Berbner for your “slip of the tongue” (see above): “What should be insulted police officers, the threatened day in and day out in the country, and attacked it to draw conclusions?”, the ARD commentator asks, and answers this question in the subjunctive: Then the day is not far off perhaps, to the no one wants to be a COP any more . (PF)

*Merkur.de an offer of the Federal-wide Ippen-Digital editors network