The French are not willing to have to declare their identity to access to pornographic sites. Amendment voted in the Senate at the beginning of June in the framework of the law for victims of domestic violence provides for a very strict control on the age of the users of these sites through a unique identifier that is certified by the State type France Connect, or giving his credit card information.

For 57 % of the French, such a control would constitute an infringement of the private life, reveals a survey* of the Ifop for the magazine the Voice of The X, published on Wednesday, June 24. And more than two-thirds of respondents do not trust an organization, even recognized by the State, to hold and secure the data that allows them to connect to these sites.

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users may prefer to work around that to identify itself

A device to strictly control the age of the users of pornographic sites to keep away the miners had already been mentioned by Emmanuel Macron in 2019. The issue is also sensitive regarding the personal data that internet users would be forced to leave in order to watch these videos, linking their identity to the sites visited, and being able to let guess their orientation and sexual preference.

Only 16 percent of users say they are willing to provide their bank details in order to certify that they are adults. Two-thirds of them would prefer to look for a site that does not ask to verify his or her age, and 41 % contourneront the French regulations by installing a VPN – which allows you to make believe in the Internet site that you’re logging in from another country.

More than half of the respondents are, therefore, persuaded that the prohibition will not work, and that the State will be powerless to ban sites that do not comply with the law. The French believe especially that the age verification of users of pornographic sites is not a responsibility of the State : 63% of them, this is the responsibility of parents.

* Ifop Survey for the Voice of The X, directed via the Internet from 17 to 18 June 2020 with a national representative sample of 1,020 people aged 18 years and over.

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