” I’m not sure that I accept to be the Prime minister of my country. I have a small side Antoine Rufenacht [former mayor RPR of le Havre, which had delighted the town hall to the communists in 1995, editor’s NOTE] in the field. “This response dropped by Jean-Paul Lecoq, the candidate communist to the city hall of le Havre, will not have failed to bring a smile to the Havrais. As she spoke to the heir of Rufenacht, Édouard Philippe, which came to emphasize – making the political-fiction – that if one day the president Mélenchon’s proposal to Jean-Paul Lecoq to serve the country at Matignon, it does défilerait probably not. With this small spades, the communist member wanted to remind the former mayor of le Havre, asked by Jacques Chirac to enter the government, had declined the offer and responded : “The Haven, The Haven. Nothing that The Harbour ! “

also Read Municipal : 11 cities under voltage

This was the only pass of arms raised during the debate organised on 22 June, on the plateau of France 3 Normandie between the two candidates still in the running for the city hall of le Havre. In spite of a duel that promises to be tight, the two opponents remained courteous. Even elegant : they have never raised the tone and have at no time invectivés. In the last line right before the local elections which will be held on the 28th of June, each continues to play his part with calmness and determination.

The surprise communist

Arrived in second position in the first round of municipal, Jean-Paul Lecoq has created the surprise by totaling 35,88 % of the vote, far ahead of the list of conservationist Alexis Deck (8,28 %) ally to the socialists. In 2014, the communist Nathalie Nail, at the head of a list left Front, had received only 16,37 % of the vote behind the socialist Camille Galap (16,75 %). It is certain that few would have imagined a return of the communists in the city. Beaten in 1995 by Antoine Rufenacht, they have never been able since to return to the front of the stage… Édouard Philippe had even been elected in the first round (52,04 %) on 23 march 2014. Also the unexpected result of the candidate-the communist has-t-he generated a lot of hope left. To the point that some see in the mp the one that shaketh the Prime minister.

also Read Municipal : in le Havre, all against Édouard Philippe

At 61-years-old, Jean-Paul Lecoq wants to believe, also, that its victory is possible. Unknown at the national level, it has nevertheless already been a member from 2007 to 2012. In addition, he has been mayor for 22 years of Gonfreville-l Orcher, a common port of 10 000 inhabitants, adjoining the Harbour, where he was born. But it is the 11 may, 1981 that it has shifted into the political world, in the aftermath of the arrival of the left in power. Without really wanting to… Activist within the Movement of young communists from 1972 and committed to the PCF the following year, he was, at the time of the election of François Mitterrand to the presidency of the Republic, an electrician and representative of the staff in a local company. Fearing as the right announced at this time, ” the red peril “, his boss decided to dismiss him without delay.

” If Edward Philip was beaten at Havre, it would be up to Marseille ! “

A story that built a legend… It is true that if ” the small guy of Caucri “, as we say here, succeeds in defeating Édouard Philippe, the story will be perfect. Jean-Luc Mélenchon has understood. On 19 June, he came in person to help Jean-Paul Lecoq and put all its weight. During the presidential election, the boss of BIA had happened far in the lead in le Havre with 29,81 % of the vote, ahead of Emmanuel Macron (21,42 %). Still in the verve, Jean-Luc Mélenchon said on the market of Bléville that ” the inhabitants of le Havre have one vote by proxy for all the French who have not accepted the reform of the labour Code, the law of retirement and the decline in APL “. And also that a victory of Jean-Paul Lecoq in the face of the Prime minister would be ” a huge blast of bugle, a boost terrific.” Before adding : “If Edward Philip was beaten at Havre, it would be up to Marseille ! “

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In the camp of the former mayor, the serenity is. The nationalization of the campaign and the voting does not scare his support : the popularity of the current Prime minister is reassuring. To the extent that an Ifop survey-Fiduciary published in the Paris-Normandy on 11 June, gave 53 % of the voting intentions for Édouard Philippe, and 47 % for Jean-Paul Lecoq. And if his team hoped to better, the dream of Jean-Paul Lecoq to become the mayor, and shake the Prime minister is not yet realized…