More than 1500 Infected in the case of Tönnies, in the district of Gütersloh, 35 of the lower Saxony poultry producer, Wiesenhof, and now have is probably at Danish Crown, in the district of Cloppenburg multiple employees: The Corona-Hotspots in Germany have shifted. Instead of carnival, and Après-Ski are the new super-spreading Events slaughterhouses debt. Professionals, it is not surprising the. Because the meat factories offer the Coronavirus all of what it needs for its propagation.

The reasons for this lie both in the outer circumstances, as well as the work processes in the meat processing industry: “The air is cold and damp. The virus particles are stabilised; they live slightly longer,“ explains virologist Friedemann Weber, Director of the Institute for Virology at the Giessen Justus-Liebig-University. And adds: “Due to the cold weather, people tend to have more of a rough neck, the immune system works so well because parts of the body such as, for example, the nose will not bleed through so well.”

the conditions in The meat factories to make the virus easily

In addition, the work steps in the battle are operated in time-often very tight, the atmosphere hectic. “This means a lot of Stress,” the Professor of Virology in an interview with FOCUS Online. “If it hangs in there somewhere at one point, I can well imagine that someone calls the other time: go faster. By the cry of an enormous number of virus particles in the air, ten to a hundred times more than normal.“

Escape from the otherwise strictly closed factory halls can the ejected Aerosol particles only with adequate ventilation and exchange of air masses. How is that given in the slaughterhouses, seems questionable.

In the case of Tönnies about the air circulated, apparently, only by cooling systems, without recycling, such as Martin Exner from the Institute for Hygiene and Public health at the University of Bonn on Wednesday afternoon at a press conference portrays. So it was not known that convection can hold an Aerosol in motion and therefore a risk factor. In the future, it is important to note that the air exchange especially, also in other meat processing plants, explains Exner.

“The working conditions in the slaughterhouses seem to currently have the necessary hygiene measures are not compatible to be”

“wet hands, gloves, aprons, and clothing, for example, in the Handling of meat products could, in addition, promote the Transmission by smear infections,” adds Isabella Eckerle, who manages diseases of the centre for new and emerging virus at the University of Geneva. “The working conditions in the slaughterhouses don’t seem to be the currently necessary hygiene measures compatible,” says you.


  • The latest developments to the Virus outbreak in Tönnies you read in the News Ticker.
  • Everything to the Corona-crisis you will find here.

are employed in the meat industry, employees are often on a temporary basis, are often employed only for a short time in one place. Then you move on. While its accommodations, most of them in community with many people used sanitation facilities. No Mouth guard, no distance: a promotional video from the April Tönnies now flies around the ears, FOCUS Online/Wochit No Mouth guard, no distance: a promotional video from the April Tönnies now flies around the ears

Self-existing hygiene rules can, contagions may not be

exclude “If it is largely foreign staff, who live together in a spatially limited accommodation – as it is from different sources has been described, both scenarios quickly to the infection of many people especially if the contact persons change at work and in the accommodation in addition,“ says Eckerle.

it would be important to clarify the extent to which masks were worn in close contact to the work, and whether there is the possibility to use a constant, the current rules on how to keep your Distance and hand hygiene to be observed, emphasizing the Virologist.

Friedemann Weber holds the risk of infection but also in compliance with the prescribed rules given. Even proper hygiene measures such as the consistent use of the mouth, nose and coverings could not bind to the risk of contagion from his point of view, in these circumstances, entirely, he explains. Well, the conditions for the Virus and its spread in the factories. Brand place successfully: How it is booming with your business in the case of TikTok off to the right start

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Have home visits to the mass exacerbated contagions?

NRW Minister Armin Laschet, in addition to the cold in the production of the home travel of the employees of the meat establishment around sites in their home countries in Eastern Europe to corpus Christi as a possible further reason for the intensity of the outbreak of the events listed.

“The long stay of many people in closed spaces without the ability to maintain distance is more of a Situation that can lead to a so-called ‘super-spreading Event'”

From this hypothesis, Eckerle, however, sees little. “That it visits on the weekend before, came to such a high number of infections at the same time by family, I think, is extremely unlikely.” The incubation time amounts to in the case of a Coronavirus infection in the middle five days, so a weekend visit could hardly explain such a large number of people. “In addition, there would need to be located simultaneously in all the families of the approximately 400 employees at this weekend an acute care of infected case, which seems very unlikely.”

The combination of the tight contact of the employees, and the unfavourable working and living conditions, however, could very well be responsible for the fact that a Single or only very little initial Infected can lead to a very high number of secondary infections. “The long stay of many people in closed spaces without the ability to maintain distance, is increasingly recognised as a Situation that can lead to a so-called ‘super-spreading Event’.”

Laschet government reacted too late

abattoirs would have to controlled, therefore, in the future, particularly strictly observed, experts generally agree. Otherwise, they threatened to fire accelerators in the Corona to become a pandemic, warns Weber. Identified the health Department an infection would have to be closed, the corresponding operation immediately, and all employees tested, he outlined the desirable procedure in the infection case. For Tönnies, the state of NRW have slow to react, he criticizes. The Lockdown on Tuesday came too late. Has it lied? Shock Video out of the canteen proves that the rules FOCUS Online/Wochit has failed to Tönnies Has lied? Shock Video out of the canteen proves that the rules have been breached In a hidden chamber, German researchers make a unique discovery FOCUS Online In a hidden chamber, German researchers make a unique discovery