Y-a-t-it would only be a grain of truth in these stories of giant creatures that live in the dark waters of the lake Loch Ness ? Last September, a photo taken by Steve Challice, an Englishman from Southampton in the vicinity of the castle of Urquhart, to prove definitely the presence of a creature in excess of 2.5 metres, ” says Paris Match.

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If some internet users believe then have to have the proof of the existence of the famous Nessie, the tourist remains at a very cartesian : “According to me, and I’m not an expert, it is just a very big fish, possibly a huge catfish. Someone suggested that it could be a sturgeon. What we can see of this beast to the surface about 2.5 meters, but it is not impossible that the submerged part exceeding this size. Hard to say as the waters of Loch Ness are dark “, reveal it. The wels catfish, found in Scotland, in fact, can reach the size of 2.75 meters.

The Loch Ness monster is a large eel ?

This photo will be added to the many other circulating since 1934, date of onset of the first picture supposed to of the Loch Ness monster. In 2018, a scientist in new zealand had decided to analyze the DNA of the waters of the scottish lake famous in the world. Neil Gemmell had then imagined that the monster could only be a needle. “Eels are very abundant in loch Ness, and the DNA of the eel has been found in almost all locations sampled “, it revealed it.

writing will advise you

may 2, 1933. On the day that the Loch Ness monster has his first article