Better late than never. Since the late 50’s, the name of a small village of Combrailles, in the département of Puy-de-Dôme region of Auvergne, the Rhone-Alpes is misspelled because probably a simple typo administrative. On the insee website, “Villossanges” then became “Villosanges” 60 years ago. A ministerial decree dated 26 February 2020 has finally restored the village to its original name, writes The Mountain.

An announcement – which puts an end to nearly two years of journey-procedural – made via a letter from Jacqueline Gourault, the minister of territorial Cohesion and relations with the local communities, on 22 may. The people are relieved : “It is stupid as a cabbage, but we are super happy ! One had the uncomfortable feeling that our family name was without judgment flayed, ” responded a city councillor for the city questioned by our colleagues. The chosen one had never understood the amputation of the ” s “in the name of his town, which continued to show itself proudly in its two” s ” on signs and the site of the city.

The Prime minister consulted

The procedure to change the typo has been very long. It took the city Council deliberates, the departmental archives will be consulted before we get the green light from the county Council, the prefect and the Prime minister.