After three months at home Learning reports students, teachers, and parents from their experiences. The Motivation and ability of digital to teach the teachers differently, to draw more participants, balance.

County–The County-SPD review, does not hold, in order to make accusations, but to find problems and opportunities: “What we can for our education system/to Corona to learn?” 32 people are watching online Video discussion moderated SPD-circle-in-chief Florian Schardt on the platform of the Zoom. “The Motivation and capability, digital-to-teach, is the most different in the case of the teachers, however, they have been designed for the presence of operating,” says Angela Boschert from Neubiberg, whose child is in the seventh grade at Ottobrunn grammar school. She asks: “Are there incentives for teachers?”

“the Motivation of The teachers was weak”

Korbinian, the the 11. Vintage attends level at the Gymnasium Kirchheim, notes: “It brings nothing, if the students have a device, but the teachers offer nothing. All students have had a terminal, but the Motivation of the teachers was weak.“ He had only had three Online classes in addition to subjects such as art and sports. “We have to get in the important subjects of math, English, and English-only work orders.” It will provided that you teach the material yourself. “That doesn’t work for all students”, complained the Junior. Many would miss the connection.

Eva sun calf, reported: “Only a very few of the teachers my children have offered to the personal Chat-contact.” She asks: “you Can’t require the teachers to have at least a working email address and to answer emails in a certain period of time?”

Tanja Gernet, mother of a primary school pupil from Unterföhring, reports of good experiences with the learning platform “Padlet”, “the works, one a, also that parents explain.” However, she also notes: “The older ones among the teachers around to make little or nothing, except for a couple of craft tutorials to send. The goal is not a leader.“ Warns of Youtube Videos as a teaching material, to meet without protection measures: “Since the children to watch an explanatory video, but then the mouse is fast on all other Videos. How can you protect families from this“?

“Our College has hung in there,”

But there is also praise for the teachers. “Some knees are incredibly clean,” said several participants in the discussion. Positive experience with the video conference platform MS team is described. In contrast, the Bavarian education and cultural Affairs should adopt the Ministry of the “self-made solutions” such as “Mebis” better, says a mother.

rector Antje Zeisler of the Camerloher primary school in Ismaning, Germany reported: “My College has hung in there, that’s More.” There had been no training, but a confusing jumble of what learning platform you will use is entitled, and which was not enough for the privacy.

What needs to change in the education system, and how Homeschooling can run better, if a second Corona-shaft to break? “The fact that many teachers are so reluctant in online teaching, is surely the fact that you are unsure of,” says Eva sun-calf. It recommends an organization of volunteers, the company, but also help schools to be fit for digitisation. Ismaning’s mayor Alexander Greulich (SPD) calls for: “The Ministry of education must train the teachers, who must then take the parents better.”

Korbinian, the Junior from the Gymnasium Kirchheim, think it would be a good way, if in the morning in small groups and classroom teaching in the school took place, and in the afternoon Online lessons with Exercises. Annette goose müller-Maluche (SPD) sees Learning in groups as a Chance that have shown the Corona-crisis.

SPD-a member of the Landtag Natascha Kohnen requests that the state of expanding the fast Internet and the municipalities financially strengthens, for the equipment of the schools: “teaching means freedom also means that there are devices that students can borrow.” Instead of 12,75 per cent of the Bavarian control group for the municipalities should get as in Baden-Württemberg 26 percent. The social gap is not allowed to diverge on the subject of education, it warns. Minister of culture Michael Piazolo (FW) had to submit before the summer holidays, a “coherent concept with different scenarios”.

150 Euro for Learning at home: the SPD wants a Laptop-premium