
Dominique Arbiol

55 years old – The general of air brigade has been named general manager of the air School (officer training), a position never before held by a woman.

Bruno Patino

55 years – The editorial director of Arte France becomes chairman of the management board of the chain, replacing Véronique Cayla, who had led since 2011.

Georges Siffredi

a 63 years – the president of The departmental council of Hauts-de-Seine will lead the board of directors of Paris la Défense, first european business centre.

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Topic directed by Fabien Roland-Lévy and Michel Revol

Army of the air – Marshal Dawn/ABACA – by PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP – Vincent Isore/IP3 PRESS/MAXPPP – Pierrot Patrice/Future Pictures/ABACA – Lafargue Raphael/ABACA

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