If the health crisis appears to be contained, migraines social are making a comeback in Tunisia. Tataouine, more than five hundred kilometres south of Tunis, is experiencing mood swings recurrent since the revolution. This is one of the epicentres of the shots grisous social, one of the regional capitals of the dissatisfaction with, in particular, Kasserine (Center). In 2017, at the end of a long standoff between the government chaired by Youssef Chahed and young people who had observed a sit-in at El Kamour, key point of the sites gas and oil scattered in the desert, an agreement had been concluded under the auspices of the trade union UGTT. Thousands of new hires had been promised directly in oil companies or indirectly through the Company, the environment and gardening, a structure created in 2011 by the government of Beji Caid Essebsi to appease the unemployment is close to 30 % in this region. “Promises that were not respected,” according to the protesters.

also Read Tunisia : “The worst recession since independence”

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endemic Unemployment vs mirage of pétrodinars

In the South to eight/ten hours drive from the capital, jobs are not legion. In 2017, before a site oil which they had led to the arrest of fifteen protesters, including engineers, referred to “Occupy Wall Street” as a model. They boasted of the projects (agriculture, tourism), but felt that Tunis hearkened not unto them, not funded them not. A blockage, which was a reissue of the incidents which took place in 2015, in El Faouar, Douz, Kebili, or Souk Lahad. Since the revolution, he alternates between protests, sit-ins in front of the buildings symbols of the State, and shots of blood against the police. Five years ago, the remains blackish of the three institutions of police (national Guard, police, traffic police) were in evidence. In 2017, four days of violence are born of a vile rumor spread through the pages promoted on Facebook, suggesting that the region baignerait without the know – foreign conspiracy,… – in the black gold. Title : “Winou el petrol” (” Where is the oil “). To read these publications, the region would live on a river potential pétrodinars. Since that time, the mirages were gone, the dreams of black gold dissipated in the ink of the palaver government. The scenario is the same whenever there is a crisis : sit-ins, clashes with the police, arrival of the army (a well-respected institution in Tunisia), ministers on the alert, return to calm.

also Read Tunisia : sarabande populist in Parliament

The region is a debate between welfare and desire for autonomy. He claims a job with the State, preferably in an air-conditioned office, when the latter debate with a wage bill that consumes twenty billion dinars of its budget in 2020, with 47. With 850 000 civil servants and employees of public enterprises, Tunis is regularly the target of the remonstrances of its funders. It then becomes difficult to register in the administration of the unemployed in the South.

Kaïs Saïed wants to break the logic of the dusting aid

From Paris, the president of the Republic Kaïs Saïed did know the background of his thought. He explained on France 24 that ” the solution could not come from that of the inhabitants project holders “. For him, the use of artifices such as the society for the environment and home gardening have no sense, because ” there are no gardens to Tataouine “. It is the gateway to the desert. This company has more than five thousand payroll without employment structuring, paying thousands of jobs in more or less real. “It is a variant of the Unedic,” said Yassine Brahim when he was the minister of Development. In fact, the State pays a few hundred dinars in exchange of a work that is not always real. We try to buy social peace.

By his remarks, the president of the Republic has swept the solutions clientelist which are transforming the economic problems in structural challenges. He wants answers, local solutions have been launched, brought and developed by the residents and that the State will help fund, mount. Kaïs Saïed wants to break the logic of the dusting. The assistantship is no longer. It has also reiterated its analysis : the pain of 2011, which led to the fall of the dictatorship of Ben Ali, are still without a cure. Tataouine, the anger is repeated, add up. The situation has returned to calm beneficial. Until when ?

also Read Tunisia – Kaïs Saïed : the key to a visit to Paris

writing will advise you

Tunisia : “The worst recession since independence,” Africa : economies are seeking oxygen Tunisia : sarabande populist Parliament Tunisia – Kaïs Saïed : the key to a visit to Paris