it is Still very early for polls to vote in local elections in NRW, the choice of the research but the first forecasts in Dortmund, it could be exciting.

Before the local election in 2020 in NRW, we summarize for you the surveys . In the weeks before the election, forecasts from many major cities are to be expected. We will also show you all the important dates for the NRW local elections.

Munich – The municipal election in NRW only on 13. September 2020 instead. Nevertheless, are already expected in the run-up to some of surveys to, with the race to the town hall is illuminated. At this point, we summarize the most recent surveys for different cities.

First survey on local election in 2020 in Dortmund

The largest city in the Ruhr area is an exciting municipal election is well. This shows a representative survey from the may 2020, conducted by the Institute of Forsa on behalf of Ruhr Nachrichten and Radio 91.2. Accordingly, no candidate has in Dortmund even close to the absolute majority of the voters behind. the Ullrich Sierau occurs as a mayor, to be party friend Thomas Westphal (SPD), with 35 percent at the top of the survey. The main Challenger Andreas Hollstein (CDU), only 31 percent of the vote, and thus to second place. The Green candidate Daniela Schneckenburger came to this poll for the municipal election on 20 percent of the vote.

In the city Council election, the two parties closer together also a poet. The SPD slips, according to the Forsa-forecast at 30 per cent (previously 38.2 percent), while the CDU is 28 percent. The Green get 22 percent, The Left 7 percent, the AfD is 5 percent and the FDP at 4 percent.

Where are the polls for the municipal election in 2020 in NRW?

In contrast to elections at the Federal and state level need to be carried out polls for municipal elections is always on a much smaller level. A single election result, there is, finally, not for the whole state, but only for the individual options in the municipalities or counties . In most cases, expect clearer forecasts for the major cities, of which there are Westphalia in North Rhine-many. The Chance of concrete survey results before the municipal election in NRW , therefore, quite high.