Finally led out to the Corona-Pause: The Federal nature conservation Weßling his first event after the Shutdown in the valley of dreams.

Weßling – The weather has not been very. Nevertheless, the joy of the weßlinger see local branch of the Federal nature conservation after three months, corona-induced break celebrated with an evening hike your event return prevailed clearly. After all, twelve interested braved on Monday evening in the drizzle. They gathered in front of the Seehäusl, and on the subsequent Tour of biologist and chemist Siegfried Kistler, as well as local Chairman Gerhilde Schenck Heuck in the secrets of the plant world around Weßling inaugurate.

The journey led first to a gravel driveway opening into the broad oak, from where the round revealed the so-called valley of dreams. Where the Name came from, clarified, at the latest, the small, enchanted wooden bench behind overgrown bushes. A cozy Nest for young Lovers, after they pointed to the beauty of the vast valleys and forests of the sick of it have seen, described Schenck Heuck the Idyll.

Kistler knew from the parish rebuke to the Aubachtal seemingly every angle, inside and out. Had almost every Bush, every cave, tree and every flower, he a narrative of Europe. The gnarled oaks, for example, the slopes of their Branches in the forest in the direction of Seefeld – included some of them already 200 Lenze, said Kistler and pointed to a hollowed-out area in an oak trunk. The rotten rhizomes are the preferred breeding site for the rare stag beetle, the depositing its larvae in there, explained Kistler – before the group of birth, station in turn, directly to a former death zone, to report as a Participant Roswitha swimmers knew that Because on the forecourt of the Ettenhofener court found itself in the middle ages, the “Galgenhof”, on the Condemned their lives had left.

Back in the living, free stressed Schenck Heuck meadows, they are – which have not been fertilized, and only once in the year, a Paradise for insects cut. The Ortsvorsitzende referred to wild-growing orchids in the non-managed Aubachtal. Also in the shaded lugten forth the forests from time to time colorful plant species. The rose-like avens, for example, is regarded as a medicinal plant and versame by their so-called stylus hook kletteten life to over grazing, reported by Kistler.

After a good two hours, the Tour was finished. The participants had expanded their knowledge of the many small wonders of nature, thanks to the lively descriptions of the two experts. mk