It is time for us to déconfiner our economy and society and, probably, the spirits with. As the toll of this health crisis is opened, the wave of the economic impact approach and we have, as of today, anticipate the third time of this crisis, which will be digital.

throughout the crisis, the digital has become the life line of our society and our businesses. Whether it is to interact with friends and family, to enable supply chains to maintain an activity essential, or even optimize the operational management of the crisis, the digital evidence of its strategic nature and vital, while demonstrating its resistance to shocks. Scanning as we knew it before the crisis will now be on the rise, let us be sure that this is for the best.

An entry brutal in the Twenty-first century digital

In fact, the best to the worst, there is only a step, and we must not cross it. The crisis has highlighted the significant dependence on the French and european infrastructure, applications, or numerical solutions of third countries, both at the level of the ability to access these solutions for their cybersecurity. This should challenge us and lead us to think about the consequences of our lack of control on all links of the value chains of the digital. What would happen if we were to find ourselves deprived of all or part of our nervous system ?

It is therefore urgent to rethink our priorities and place the digital security at the heart of our strategy. Digital is everywhere and deploys its applications in all domains. Transversal Vision and overall action then become the best tools of a true digital transformation of the company.

Read also The crisis of the Covid-19 has accelerated the transformation to a digital business

The State must commit without delay to an inclusive political education of the citizens,

Déconfiner the spirits, it is succeed to not think and act in silos. It is necessary to apprehend the digital trust as a whole, and not as an addition of sectoral measures. Today, sovereignty and strategic autonomy in Europe are at the heart of all political debates. We need to have a real strategic action on national and european work to build the conditions of a technological sovereignty is anchored on our areas of excellence in industrial and academic.

of course, regain control over the whole value chain does not call for a policy of purchasing exclusively national or european, but guess, for the key components, to equip themselves with products and solutions confidence and ensure they can be used in accordance with their destination. This means to achieve a world level of excellence making the european technology to be reckoned with on some elements to ensure a strategic position in situations of mutual dependency . the realization of The digital single market, therefore, becomes vital.

The State must commit without delay to an inclusive political education of citizens, both for personal use as professionals, but also for training of professionals in the sector. This general enhancement of skills is an essential prerequisite for our cyber-security collective. The understanding of the digital world is a tool of sovereignty such as employability. As a reminder, the OECD estimates that 33 % of jobs will be affected sharply by changes to digital. Prepare today, it is to assure our independence tomorrow.

5G, artificial Intelligence, cyber security

The digital identity is the first link of this reconquest. Ensure that transmitter and receiver are who they say they are, that the transmitted message is the one that has been issued, is the basis of all security. It is as well that we need to create the trust, where there is now distrust. This digital identity applies in the first place to the identity noble. The civil state is in cyberspace european to the playing field of actors on which we have no control. To regain control of digital identity, it is reclaiming the practice of law as a tool of sovereignty. In addition, beyond the aspect of major importance, everyone identifies on a daily basis for many digital uses. It is essential, again, to ensure an appropriate level of security in all of these processes of identification and authentication, while retaining their ease-of-use.

The data, both personal and industrial, are the second strategic link in our chain of sovereignty. At the heart of the value creation, they are instantly transmitted, and localized in any point of the globe, upsetting the notions of borders and jurisdiction. Several States, capitalizing on their technological leadership, are seeking to extend their influence to the margins of international law. The geopolitical value is significant and the influence of each State is its ability to master the technologies and standards underlying digital technology and its applications. We naturally think of the challenges posed by quantum computing, cryptography, the 5G, the nano-electronics, artificial intelligence, the blockchain, the cyber-sea, the space… The power is there, in cyberspace, and these technologies, and many governments have understood this.

Finally, cyber security is the third critical component of a digital confidence. The Europeans must assure their citizens a scan of all the activities without explosion risk or exposure déraisonnée to the threats and attacks ever more sophisticated. Growing connectivity of activities, people, territories and objects must absolutely rely on our historical assets and must be thought out and coordinated at european level. The issue is crucial.

Speed up, here and now

The major crises have the effect of accelerating the dynamics of pre-existing. A lot of things have been done or are in progress in our country, and in Europe. On the digital identity, cyber security and master data, we have strong foundations on which we can usefully build the voice (and even a way) european. However, it is now crucial to start the effort and bring these different initiatives in consistency. This coherence affects both the efficiency of future developments but also their safety. Anticipation and resilience should guide these reflections.

hence, the creation of a ministry of the Digital, full-year, delivering an inter-ministerial action in connection with all of the Departments, reflect the ubiquity of the digital. This synergy is essential to the conduct of an action efficient, in our context of budget constrained. The priority will be to consolidate the existing initiatives and integrate them into the national strategy and european issues beyond the national framework. In this strategy, articulated around the triptych of security, sovereignty and influence, to ensure the technological independence on the bricks are essential to the chain of trust will be the first pillar of our success.

We, as Parliamentarians, start-ups, SMES and ETI and stakeholders in the digital, believe in the possibility of a Republic, digital trust and inclusive, based on the two pillars of the civil Liberties and individual and Safety. This project extends by nature to all public actions and private activities. We have all the assets industry and a recognized excellence in several key areas to enter our country in cyberspace under control. In this space, a holistic view of trust digital will allow us to assert our values and our sovereignty, and defend them. It is on this condition that our company will benefit from this crisis, the army for the next and ready to face it.

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Aurélie Jean – The sovereignty is primarily a political issue