The decline is minimal compared to the spectacular gains in April and march. The number of unemployed decreased by 3.3 % in may, 150 000 registered in class A in the least, a decrease due to the return of job seekers to the reduced activity (categories B and C) with the déconfinement, according to figures from the Pôle emploi published Thursday.

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This number, however, remains at a very high level of 4,426 million after increases of 22.6% in April and 7.1% in march. In total, the number of categories A, B and C has continued to increase, by 1% to 6.125 million, its highest level in history. The drop in class for all age groups : the under 25-year (- 1.1 %), 25-49 years (- 3.6 %) and 50 years or older (3.6 per cent). Greater among men (- 3.9 percent) than among women (- 2,6 %), it has been more marked in the regions then in the green area than in those in the red zone.


a Result of the resumption of activity, this decrease “is primarily driven by those who are looking for a business in the sectors of building and CONSTRUCTION, services to the person, as well as transportation and logistics,” according to the Dares, the statistics service of the ministry of Labour. It is explained mainly by their passage to the reduced activity (categories B and C), which increased 14.2 %, in contrast to the month of April in which the transfer was operated in the other direction.

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“The people in interim or short term contract which had been fairly quickly demobilized the previous months appear to have been remobilisées just as quickly,” says-t-on of the Dares. The entries following a end of contract (- 17.5 %) and an end of mission period (- 47.5 %) of them can join their level of February, after having been very high in march and April. The fact of the part-time unemployment benefit, the registration for the dismissal remain low and are even declining.

On the other hand, the first entries with the employment have to increase significantly (+ 70 %), after having declined sharply in march and April, some people who have no doubt, given the situation, delayed their entry into the labour market. In the end, the entries A, B and C are still higher than the outputs that remain “at a particularly low level” despite a rebound of 30 %.