In the six months of the German EU-like presidency of the Council bring Federal interior Minister Seehofer to asylum reform. At least from the end, he has clear ideas.

Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to create during the German EU presidency of the Council of the asylum reform . The controversial issue of the refugee distribution should be clarified. First of all, he is expecting proposals from the EU-Commission.

Berlin/Brussels – Germany soon takes over for a half a year, the presidency of the EU and has great challenges in the program. Top on the list: The Reform of the EU asylum system , and the highly controversial question of the refugee distribution on the States of the EU. the Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) made it clear now in Berlin on Wednesday, that all steps of the agreement on the distribution of refugees on the countries of the EU is the last.

Germany has held from July the presidency of the EU-States and can control the negotiations, therefore, to a certain degree. The question of the refugee distribution* in Europe, wants to Seehofer however, only at the end.

asylum of dispute in the EU: Seehofer wants to create during the German presidency of the Council Reform

Important preliminary examinations of applications for asylum of the European outer limits and in the case of a rejection, rejections from there, said Seehofer. The cooperation with the countries of origin should be improved. Finally, there is a need for legal routes into the EU for people that relied currently on the asylum systems .

“When you have clarified these key question in Europe, then you can address the follow-up question, namely, what the rules are for the protection to be distributed to the needy in Europe,” said Seehofer. The discussion suffer from it, some wanted to make the second step before the first.

According to the Seehofer the EU Commission on the train, however, the make suggestions must. This is what he expect now for the first time after the summer break, when the rings should be placed around the longer-term EU budget beige, said Seehofer. It was a “hefty challenge” for Germany to achieve in half a year of his presidency about the asylum reform . Seehofer calls for a “new beginning” for quite some time. (sob with dpa)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.