could be zero in the case of pensions: for the First time since the financial crisis, 2021 no pension increase – because of the financial crisis.

2020, there will be a retiree ordinary pension Plus For 2021 can be retired set, however, already on a zero round in the pension* The Corona-crisis could also pension contributions rise

In the year 2020, there is still a decent pension increase* for the approximately 21 million retiree in Germany: you can look forward to from July 2020 to 4.2 percent (the East), respectively, of 3.45 percent (the West) more pension . The basis for this adjustment, among other things, the wage development in the previous year. The promises for the coming year are no Good, because currently, the economy suffers from the Corona-crisis.

pension will not be increased in 2021, presumably because of the Corona-crisis

job cuts, falling wages and fewer contributors could lead to the fact that there is likely to be 2021 at least, in the West, pension increases , says the German pension insurance. In the East there is likely to be expected to be only a small increase in the pensions to 0.7 percent, according to estimates by Alexander Gunkel, member of the Board Chairman of the German pension insurance in the case of the Federal representatives ‘ Assembly of the pension insurance. After 2021, pensions-contributors would expect with higher contributions, as Gunkel.

“the economic impact of The Corona-crisis, it is currently very difficult to estimate,” said Gunkel. The strong increase of short-time work and the increase in unemployment as a result of the pandemic impact, according to the pension limited, as in the case of short-time work a minimum of contributions in the amount of 80 percent of previous earnings would be paid and the Federal Agency pay for the work pension contributions for recipients of unemployment benefit I receipt. For 2020 Gunkel expects a deficit in the pension of about 4.3 billion euros.

zero round in the pension, there was after the financial crisis of 2010

A zero round in the pension – the last in the year 2010, the year after the financial crisis. At that time, the increase in pension was since the pension rises, however, annually, to part strong. For 2020, the is wages Deutsche Rentenversicherung , however, falling Average and a lower number of contributors, so Gunkel, with a view to the Corona-crisis. the pension plans are excluded due to a protection clause, however, required by law.

Why it could be in East Germany compared to the Western länder, however, a slight pension increase , can be explained with the so-called “Alignment steps”: The value of a pension* to the East is adjusted by 2024, gradually pension in the West, until he has reached the 100 percent.

Finally the pension adjustment to 1. July 2021 only in the coming year is decided, usually in the spring. The Federal Council has to approve the pension increase then.

pension in the Corona times: pension contribution is expected to rise

Not only the pensioners will get to feel the Corona-crisis is expected to: The contributors have to pay according to the annuity insurers more in the future. In 2021, the contribution rate should remain constant at 18.6 percent, so Gunkel. The contribution rate could rise – also because of the Corona-crisis – however, before 2024 and 2025, probably 20 percent.

by 2025, the blog post is not allowed to rise above 20 percent, which is fixed by law. For the time after that, there are proposals for reform, on which, however, is not yet decided. (By Tanja Banner, with dpa)

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital-editor.