Stefan Gomm, Chairman of the referee group, Freising, talks about the proper management of E-youth Play. A Balance between compliance and tact is important.

district Off? Repealed. Back pass to the goalkeeper? He is allowed to take with the Hand. In the game of the working juniors, the number to be reacted of rules in comparison to the large field in the borders. So that these are not exceeded, the mercury CUP, of course, tested Impartial in use. These are however facing a tricky task in Freising, top Referee Stefan Gomm: “you have to prove to make sure that the rules are complied with, on the other hand, but the necessary tact. Because in the age of the rule is not pronounced knowledge is still so strong.“

Freising, particularly in the case of mercury-Cup, often a young referee in the application

The referee group Freising falls back to the mercury CUP, in particular, in the case of the local tournaments preferred the services of young, some only just finished trained young referees. Sometimes the referees are not two or three years older than the players. What both sides have in common: The tournament games in the mercury CUP are often the first mutual contact. Up-and-coming at the end of F-juniors to come out of the “Fair Play leagues”, previous games already acting U11 footballers should, in most cases, more of a Co-Trainer or one of the parents under a generous interpretation of the rules directed to be.

The young referee, however, have just started their training in teaching Erik Shenton were completed – and know, in theory, even the latest rules, therefore, often better than some of the longtime colleague and friend. This is exactly where the Dilemma begins: For the children, it makes no difference whether the Impartial is being reviewed, or are unaudited – the Kids want to kick! However, the expectation rises, the – discretion – of course, as a rule, safe parents immediately if a Referee in the referee Jersey is below the start of the game.

Gomm: In the E-youth can be the interpretation taken

a Few minutes after the kick-off, a typical game scene: Suddenly an attacker comes in the penalty area. “Ref, Foul!”, the blaring, half of the audience – “There was nothing on!” or “swallow!”, it sounds from the other direction. When lying on the ground, players first tears seem to roll down, while the alleged perpetrator sends an innocent glance in the direction of the approaching Young-arbitrator. This, however, takes all of his courage, is blowing the whistle and pointing to the spot. Immediately the protests of the Trainer of the defender start that his players had just slipped, did not want to foul, and it should, therefore, never a penalty. In addition, he should not take it with the children quite so closely. You can tell it to the referee, as it is working in him. First game, first decision and come Anzweiflungen.

But the rules don’t apply to all? And as it is in the mercury CUP, where it goes, after all, killed to Reach the next round? “Basically, I don’t think it is good, if one interprets the E-field of youth, the rules so strict,” says Freising group umpire Stefan Gomm. This does not mean, however, freedom on the field. “With certain little things you can deal more relaxed,” adds Gomm, “and here the E is youth good for Practice, because there is no Offside, and more on the interpretation taken, it can be.” (JOCHEN JÜRGENS)