summer in the outdoor pool, the sounds of children playing and Pool splashing. And it smells like French fries.

Even people who eat it, otherwise, never get in the pool, hungry for it. Children get dripping wet and shivering a Portion.

The white comes in a classic cardboard bowl red with Piksern. In the ideal case: It has not stood too long, the fries are crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

A meal you ordered in a half-naked, more or less like on the towel lying shares, sometimes with ants.

in Short, the fries at the pool are a true summer phenomenon. Why?

outdoor swimming pool in times of Corona

Nele Heinevetter knows the subject well. She has in the pool at Humboldthain in Berlin’s Wedding a Snack is also a place for art exhibitions, children’s workshops and Performances.

The operation in the bathroom is because of Corona limitations, just very quiet. While the art historian of the ‘Tropez’ tells about the everyday life in a Kiosk, of art, and French fries, come by say using distance rules such as: “Overtake only on the edge of the pool.”

Why must it be French? “I think it’s because you learn as a child that it belongs to the visit to the swimming pool,” says Heine cousin.

your other arguments fall to order a Portion: “French fries are vegan” and “French fries with a salad lunch, a super”. Your tip: a Portion of a column of lemon try.

at The Diner, there are fresh French fries in sunflower oil and fried the small bowl for 2.50 euros. On the Internet, the ‘Tropez’, this season also shows a suitable art: a video game in which a Danish artist, makes the Fries in the throat of Hiking.

Heine cousin and her Team have not yet over: “We eat every day French fries.”

fries are “basic equipment” and a pool-cult

Just earlier lunch in the swimming pool. A mother pushes a little girl a large Portion in the Hand, to Share with the other children, instead of a bun from the bakery. For you, this is something Special. “I can’t get the.”

Similar told Mathias Kaucha, one of the operators of the snack bar in Berlin’s Prinzenbad. French fries are “basic equipment”.

The food there, even people that eat them never. “Somehow, the summer flair comes to the French fries to be Good.” Swimming make you hungry. At its peak, sold Together 2,000 to 3,000 portions of the day.

Matthias Oloew, spokesman for the Berlin bathrooms enterprises, says on the subject of French fries: “This has not so much to do with Swimming, but something with the summer.”

It’s hot, you sweat, the body has a need for carbohydrates and salt, Oloew. “You have an appetite for it.” French fries in the outdoor pool, which was widely used since the 50s in Germany.

Can be a sin of Fries, really?

A Serving depending on the size of up to 490 calories is to read on the website of a fast food chain. They are greasy, and pure sin. Or don’t you? There are voices that say, you should eat what you want and what the body can tolerate well.

Others are skeptical. “It’s difficult to find something Good in it,” says nutrition researcher Stefan Kabisch (German Institute for nutritional research in Potsdam). “You can imagine, definitely a bit Healthier.”

fries is too much salt, saturated fat and quickly-digested carbohydrates. The potatoes are processed as deep-fried Snack too much, in order to be properly healthy.

It is according to the Kabisch is a food that gives a short feeling of happiness, but not for long tired of power. Four or five Times a year in French, that is not Kabisch so bad.

But at once a week: As it can be, depending on the type is quite different, with a view to being Overweight or impending Diabetes. He eats even fries? “Sporadically”.

Chef Herrmann is since 1955, per fries

With the top chefs there is quite a Pro-French group: The known from television chef Alexander Herrmann has in the Bavarian town of Wirsberg a swimming pool-Kiosk. The swimming pool in the forest he knew since his Childhood; to adopt the Kiosk absolute heart was a “thing”, – stated in the message Hermanns to do so.

His great-grandfather had sold the Talwiese to allow in 1955, the swimming pool. Therefore, the Kiosk name is also ‘Kiosk 1955’.

One of the most common youth memories of games in the outdoor pool. “Never more the weather was better, the water were clearer and life more beautiful – and the crispy fries never better than on the Lawn in the sun.”

to be sold, of course, also in Wirsberg fries.

Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa)

*The post “summer in a Red-and-White: Why do you get in the pool cravings for French fries?” is published by FitForFun. Contact with the executives here.
