During the Premier League game between Manchester City and Burnley FC is a plane with the Banner “White Lives Matter – Burnley flying” across the stadium. The Club condemned the action. The British police is now on the train.

Manchester (Reuters) – After a suspected racially-motivated action at the soccer game between Manchester City and Burnley FC on Monday evening, the police are investigating now.

Shortly after the kick-off of a plane with a Banner that says “White Lives Matter – Burnley was” (White people count – Burnley) minutes on the Etihad stadium flew and had caused a wave of indignation.

“We make investigation in order to clarify all the circumstances of this incident. Only then are we able to assess whether criminal offences have taken place”, police said Lancashire. “It is clear to us that this Banner has angered many people in Lancashire and elsewhere, and we continue to work closely with our partners at the Club and with the local authorities.”

According to English media, the plane was launched to reports of a airfield in Blackpool near Manchester. A man from Lancashire, with contacts with the radical right-wing scene have on Facebook are known to have the aircraft, including banners posted. Later, the Account was deleted but.

The Blackpool airport said according to the BBC: “We are against racism of any kind and will not tolerate the activity absolutely. The message was offensive, and the action is reprehensible. The decision to fly the Banner was only taken of the banner airline without the Knowledge or consent of the airport or to the Blackpool Council.”

Banner will not be previously checked, the sun in the discretion of the flight provider. After an emergency review on the Tuesday morning of the airport, Blackpool have decided to do this, all banner flights with immediate effect. “We propose that other airports should consider this approach in light of the events in Blackpool in consideration,” it said.

FC Burnley had yet to be released in the evening, an opinion. “We want to make it clear that those responsible are welcome,” it said in it. “This is in no way what the Burnley FC stands for.” You’ll identify the people responsible with the help of the authorities and with life-long stadium show is prohibited.

Directly after the game, the lost, the guest with 0:5, had Burnley said captain Ben Mee, he was ashamed and was touched by it “embarrassing”. The equality officer of the players ‘ Union PFA, Iffy Onoura, praised Mee for it. About the Banner Onoura told the BBC: “The words are to be taken for themselves is offensive, it is simply a question of the context. It is the rejection of the discussion we have at the Moment and what it represents.”

The players of both clubs had knelt before the kickoff at the center circle to show their support in the fight against racism. Also coaches, staff and referees were involved in the gesture. On the back of the jerseys with the slogan “Black Lives Matter” (Black’s life also count), instead of the game name.

trigger was the violent death of a black US-American George Floyd to brutal violence by the police. Since the death of Floyd’s hundreds of thousands of people against racism protest in the world. Burnley stand fully behind the “Black Lives Matter”Initiative of the Premier League, said the Club.

“All human beings are important. We are all the same, all have the same Concerns and needs. White lives count, and black,” said City Coach Pep Guardiola.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:200622-99-525818/9

communication from the police, Lancashire

opinion of the Burnley FC


BBC-article airport