What are the objectives of aspire to the Union and the SPD in the case of the EU presidency in the second half of the year? The Cabinet now wants to adopt the program. The Corona-crisis hovering.

Berlin (dpa) – The black-red coalition provides for the permanent Overcoming of the Corona pandemic, and the economic recovery in Europe as the Central task of the German presidency of the EU.

the coalition tips, agreed on Monday evening in the Chancellery. This Wednesday, the Cabinet wants to approve the program for the half-year, in the Germany Leadership in the European Union. The presidency of the Council goes on 1. July a Rota basis, from Croatia to Germany.

In a short paper, and the deliberations of the coalition Committee, summarizes it: “With the Covid-19-pandemic, the European Union is facing a fateful challenge will be liable.” Russia, during its presidency, “with a lot of effort to master this task together and focused on the future and to make Europe strong again”.

The Federal government wants to get by the goal of a stronger, more innovative, just and sustainable Europe. More “guiding principles” are, therefore, a Europe of security and of common values and a strong Europe in the world.

SPD Chairman Norbert Walter-Borjans, said in the two and a half hour round, it will be because of the Corona pandemic and the severe economic consequences in Europe, “a special presidency”. Germany wanted to be a “respectful mediator”.

the aim was to implement, among other things, very quickly, the Merkel-Macron-program. “For us, it is important that we show, Germany’s presidency of the Council for a social Europe: for a just Europe, for a sustainable Europe for a together opportunities for the future come true.” It was also necessary, because Europe was between the “blocks” China and the United States. “This means that the cohesion of Europe, the most Important thing.”

On the table is a proposal from the EU Commission for a debt-financed economic stimulus and investment plan in the amount of 750 billion euros. Of which 500 billion euros will flow as grants to the EU countries, the Rest as loans. The debt is to be paid for until 2058, together, from the EU budget. Negotiating the Plan, together with the no less controversial next seven-year EU financial framework, for which the Commission attaches to 1.1 trillion euros.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had hinted on Friday after a video conference with European heads of state and government that the negotiations on the 750-billion program could be a crucial test for the EU. “The bridges we build are large,” said Merkel. They also made it clear that time is of the essence. In mid-July EU-great-grandson, Charles Michel, in a further EU summit will present new proposals. “It is difficult, it is complex,” said the Belgian.

the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) on Monday in a Meeting with his French counterpart Bruno Le Maire clear that to tackle the historical challenges of a close German-French cooperation was necessary. Germany and France, had formulated a first response, with its proposal for an aid package. Now, the heads of state and heads of government were asked to agree on such a package.

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