the crash of The Wirecard AG stock since last Wednesday is, for most investors, now is a Disaster. Meanwhile, the stock has lost 97 percent of their value, in the course of the bankruptcy, you could even fall to 0 Euro. Sure, it is also possible that the group of the Dax has to leave again, with corresponding ETFs is a wave of selling to.

but There are also profiteers: since the beginning of the allegations of “Financial Times” in the past year, Wirecard is one of the most “geshorteten” stock in Germany. The Analytics firm S3 Partners was the least of it, that up to 25 percent of the Wirecard might be of shares held by short sellers.

Officially displayed only single positions of more than 0.5 percent of the share capital must be but. Currently, the on ten hits short seller, the improvements in the past few days, your Short positions accordingly, and thus on the Bankruptcy Wirecard speculated. Webinar with Dirk Müller: Here, you have to now

invest now you can see which industries and companies are the winners of the crisis. “Mr. Dax” Dirk Müller calls on 3. July, at 19.30 clock in a Webinar of FOCUS Online and Finanzen100 his favorites. Here is your Ticket!

How much money you earned exactly as an outsider difficult to calculate, since it is not known to have borrowed what is the price of the Fund shares is and when you need to return. The values in the following list is only an approximation, therefore, and arising out of the transactions of the past few weeks. From the price fall since last Wednesday, and assuming that the share is decreasing in consequence of the insolvency to 0 Euro earned, therefore, the following investors:

  • Maverick Capital (hedge Fund, Dallas): 257,9 million euros
  • Coatue Management (hedge Fund, New York): 215 million euros
  • Susquehanna International Holdings LLC (Fund, Pennsylvania): 119.5 million euros
  • Slate Path Capital LP (Fund, New York): 115.2 million euros
  • TCI Fund Management (hedge Fund, London): 105.2 million euros
  • Greenvale Capital LLP (hedge Fund, London): 78.3 million euros
  • Marshall Wace LLP (hedge Fund, London): 64.6 million euros
  • Samlyn Capital (hedge Fund, New York): 62.6 million euros
  • Coltrane Asset Management (asset management, New York): 60.6 million euros
  • Darsana Capital Partners (hedge Fund, New York): 18.4 million euros

The big question is whether the crash could have been prevented. “A complete Disaster” was the decline of Wirecard, the President of the German Federal financial Supervisory authority (BaFin), Felix Hufeld. His house, he can take the criticism. You’ve made mistakes in Bank supervision. The Details he goes.

In the process, the BaFin would have been able to uncover the Wirecard scandal earlier. At the end of January 2019 an anonymous tip from a Whistleblower at the Agency was already underway. The fraud was in about the same time, with the first Reports in the “Financial Times” on the Balance sheet at Wirecards Asian subsidiaries.

  • keep Track of the latest development in the Wirecard-Ticker

BaFin was not responsible

Indeed, the Federal Ministry of Finance confirmed, as the parent authority of the BaFin to the receipt of the notes already in April, 2019 in a little request of the Left party in the Bundestag, but took no further action. In response, the Ministry points out that, first, Asian authorities for the allegations made responsible, for example, the Prosecutor’s office in Singapore.

in Addition, there was probably a Problem with the company’s netting Wirecards. Of the total group was supervised by the BaFin only in relation to its shares. The subsidiary Wirecard Bank was subject to, however, the banks – and-money-laundering supervision of the authority. Here, however, there is until today no complaints. The now in the center of the scandal related escrow accounts would have been subject to the parent company. Balance sheet-scandal: shareholders of Wirecard stand in front of the total loss of FOCUS Online balance sheet scandal: shareholders of Wirecard stand in front of the total loss of

Supervisory authority prohibits instead betting against Wirecard

Instead, the BaFin issued the middle of February, 2019, a short-selling ban for Wirecard shares. This seems, in retrospect, although, as you would have been on the side of the group, but instead to examine the allegations, but is still understandable. Wirecard had become in the years before, several times already victims of Short-Seller attacks. In the process, investors Wirecard shares from third parties rent and sell immediately on the market. You speculate that the stock value goes down up to the return date of the shares.

As a result of the series of articles in the “Financial Times” were geshortet from the end of January 2019, more and more Wirecard-shares, the share price declined in only two weeks, by 43 percent. BaFin saw the share market as a whole at risk. The high sales at Wirecard would have been able to trigger, in your view, after a wave of selling in other, actually, disinterested shares, and so, for example, the Dax as a Whole is dragged down. This is to prevent the authority with the short sale ban.

public Prosecutor’s office prosecuted journalists instead of managers

Nevertheless, the BaFin would have been able to give the anonymous notes on the balance sheet amounted to more quickly. If and when you arrived actually at the competent Munich public Prosecutor’s office, is not known. But by the end of March 2019, it rained criticism for the Bavarian authority: While the Prosecutor’s office in Singapore, examined the allegations against Wirecard and even the offices of the group searched, saw the Munich-based investigators for no reason. Instead, they pursued complaints against the Financial Times editors and alleged blackmailer, the Wirecard wanted to facilitate with the threat of further negative reports to millions of euros.

While the official in Germany, a significant Point on the Balance sheet was not pursued, turned private investigator both eyes. The criticism here is directed against the auditors of EY. In the last week of the current case, by refusing to Wirecard, a certificate under the balance of the year of 2019.

auditor testing for years, apparently, fake balance

However, EY had no Problem with the balance sheets of the previous years, the auditors signed all of them. It had been given at the time of the audit a year ago, the corresponding allegations of fraud. And the competitors of KPMG, the hired Wirecard for the investigation of the allegations in the autumn, for the years 2016 to 2018, there was no sufficient evidence for around one billion euros to the Philippine fiduciary accounts.

The open question of why EY looked in these three years. Obviously, the insurance policies of the then Trustee, the company Citadelle submitted to the auditors, that the money existed. Bank documents or Bank statements were not requested or are not as carefully scrutinized as this year.

as early as 2016, there were the first indications of fraud in the case of Wirecard

on the question, who knew already what time of the fraud with Wirecard, is also the so-called Zatarra Report from the 24. February 2016, in a new light. At the time, the best had accused as dubious analysis of company Zatarra from London looking published a 100-page Report, Wirecard and its managers of balance-sheet fraud, corruption, money laundering and illegal gambling pretty much everything. Bottom line: The stock was worthless and would soon fall to 0 Euro.

attention got the Report first, as the Financial Times, spread it on your Blog. The Wirecard share price fell rapidly by around 25 percent, many Short-Sellers earned it well. The Munich public Prosecutor’s office determined, and the end of 2018, the Brit was accused of Fraser Perring as the author. He should have followed up with the Report the intent to manipulate the share price of Wirecard. The procedure was set a month ago. Perring paid a “low five-figure sum” to charities.

In the meantime, Perring has applied his method is by the way a second Time, In December 2017, he published behind the Pseudonym of the hitherto also unknown analysis company Viceroy a similar Report on the balance sheet amounted at the German furniture group Steinhoff. The allegations proved to be true, Steinhoffs share fell to 85 percent.

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