To the great evils great remedies. In response to the vandalism of some of the statues, the administration Trump is a great action plan that includes the involvement of the US Marshals, who are called to defend and protect the monuments americans threatened, tells CNN.

also Read United States : protesters attack a statue in front of the White House

Of the statues dear to the eyes of Donald Trump who believes that they are part of the heritage of the country. An executive decree will also be taken – the broad outlines of which remain unclear – to harden the tone in the face of activists who are still more numerous since the death of the Afro-American George Floyd was asphyxiated by a police officer. NBC adds that Donald Trump has instructed the secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt to restore in the shortest possible time the only statue of a confederate general shot dead last week, the one showing Albert Pike. “The police of D. C. does not do his work by looking at a statue to be vandalized and burned,” had already responded to the head of State on Twitter, which provides for prison sentences for the protesters in question.

The national Guard ready to respond to Washington

In Washington, moreover, about 400 soldiers of the national Guard stand ready to intervene to protect the monuments of Washington, where protesters would try to debunk new statues. “Now, they are planning to take on Jesus Christ, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson: it will not take place as long as I’m here,” said Donald Trump on the sidelines of a meeting with his Polish counterpart, even though no report of damage to statues, representing Jesus. “I think a lot of people who overthrew the statues do not even have any idea of what is the meaning of this statue and what a personality it represents,” added Donald Trump by referring to the degradation of the bust of former president Ulysses S. Grant. According to a recent survey conducted by the University of Quinnipiac, 52 % of Americans said they were in favour of the déboulonnage statues of confederate.

writing will advise you

Arthur Chevallier – “Déboulonneurs” statues, not so fast !