Westphalia, two counties in East-Westphalia in the Federal state of North Rhine-from which the now high-Corona-new infections are reported, the “new Ischgl”? Caring headlines in the German Newspapers are in this week. That is, if you believe experts and politicians, although hardly the case, but caution is advised.

Wild parties in the tightest space

in Ischgl, which is the ski resort in the Austrian Tirol on the border to Switzerland, which had been obtained before Corona celebrity. Just once, around 1600 the population of the Alpine village in an altitude of 1400 m, but the number of tourists exceeds that number every year, many times over – usually. Almost 400 Hotels offer 12,000 beds for ski tourists. Ischgl is famous for his extravagant parties after skiing, also for big concerts of international Pop stars, with up to 25,000 visitors.

Even from here the Virus spread at the beginning of March at a rapid pace in the whole of Europe, which determines the competent public Prosecutor’s office in Innsbruck, against local leaders from a suspicion of “endangering by infectious diseases” consists of. In fact, pictures from the ski resort of at the time, wild parties point to the closest room. At a time when the Virus, which made headlines worldwide.

especially the prevention in the counties of

And now Germany, East Westphalia, for the First time circles are in two of the country, the Corona-relaxed the past few weeks, in large Parts been withdrawn: After the massive Corona outbreak at the meat company Tönnies in the district of Gütersloh and increased infection in the village were to apply in two circles of figures in a neighbouring circle again restrictions of public life, most recently in March. Schools and nurseries are closed, for people to contact, restrictions apply.

Nevertheless, the epidemic-expert Hajo Zeeb from the Leibniz-Institute for prevention research and epidemiology in Bremen, Ischgl and Gütersloh are not comparable. Zeeb told DW: “We now have much better options, the spread, as it was in March of the case. The core of the Virus is now detected. Much of what we are experiencing now in the two counties in Germany, is prevention. I am, therefore, hopeful that the infection numbers quickly go back.”

In Ischgl would have left thousands of holidaymakers from all over Europe and finally, to feel without any symptoms or even know about the dangers of the Corona-Virus know. A recent study by the University of Innsbruck, more than 40 percent of the population in Ischgl have now developed antibodies, were infected.

The Virus hits the most Vulnerable

In the current case of the German meat factory the Virus, as Zeeb did in the first place among Eastern European factory workers are widely used. The are not allowed to leave ever since the collection properties. The meat factory is closed. Among the native population, which is now tested to a great extent on Corona, the infection figures are rather low.

Among the plant workers but for almost 1700 people have been infected. So, Zeeb, place is a more bitter knowledge of the Corona-crisis: she meets most of the less well-to-do people the hardest. Workers, for instance, which were in appalling conditions.

criticism Zeeb to the person in charge in politics and the economy, which had already known for a long time from the conditions in the meat factory: “It would have been very able to respond much more quickly. Both the policy as well as the affected business enterprises. A change in business attitude would help.”

shoulder-to-shoulder in refrigerated halls

in fact, the conditions in the meat factory Tönnies has long been no secret: The workers from Eastern Europe are living in cramped accommodation, often under appalling conditions, they work in the tight meat factory, shoulder to shoulder, the halls are cooled down, what are the virus spread.

Similar to Zeeb also the head of the Federal Chancellery, the Minister Helge Braun (CDU) sees in the drastic measures in the prevention circles. With Ischgl the Events was not comparable. Brown said in the “Second German television” (ZDF): “These larger outbreaks have now shown that In the Moment of giving the Virus its Chance to propose it again.”

Special protection for nursing homes

The health expert of the parliamentary group of the Greens, Maria Klein-Schmeink, criticized the conditions in the meat factory intense, and calls for large-scale testing of all people. “The population needs to entitled to the quick testing, even if no symptoms are present. The appropriate test of capacity must be locally activated quickly,” said Klein-Schmeink of the DW.

special care must prevail in the protection of people in institutions. So for example in nursing homes. Further, the Green party politician said: “everything must be set, chains of Infection to interrupt, so that the local infection of a surface cluster is a ceiling increase of Infection.”

lockdown in Wuhan is not possible

A Problem remains, however, in the case of the two affected counties: A closure, such as in the Chinese city of Wuhan, in February in Germany is not possible. And unlike in the spring, as for the whole of Germany contact restrictions were in force, and shops, Restaurants, schools, and daycare centers across the country closed, the Lockdown is only for the two regions.

Western Pomerania, Some of the other Federal States, Bavaria, lower Saxony and Mecklenburg-have already announced that visitors to the counties in their Hotels to be incorporated unless you have a current, negative Corona Test.

But the appeal of the Minister President of North Rhine-Westphalia, Armin Laschet (CDU), to the inhabitants of the rural districts, to keep calm and to stay at home, looks a little weak. No one can force people to stay there, when a few kilometres to the normality of life more and more. Uncertainties remain as regards the further development in East-Westphalia. A “second Ischgl” does not take place but in Germany – at least at the Moment.

author: Jens Thurau

*The post “Corona bursts: the New German Hotspots is compared with Ischgl,” published by Deutsche Welle. Contact with the executives here.

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