the president of The bar of Paris, Me Olivier Cousi, announced to the Agence France-Presse Thursday, “an action” in court in response to the preliminary investigation, as “outside the norm” that targeted lawyers and conducted for six years by the public prosecutor national financial, in the margin of the case of “hacking” aimed at Nicolas Sarkozy.

” I decided to bring an action in the name of the Order of lawyers of Paris “, announced the president of the bar Cousi, claiming to have asked the famous questions and considerations for this Henri Leclerc ” to ponder, in the sense of a procedural what action hire “, which could pass through “a criminal action” or ” a civil action in State responsibility “.

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French president Nicolas Sarkozy and leaders of the bar have lambasted the investigation of the PNF, the extent of which was revealed on Thursday by The Point, to attempt to identify a “mole” possible in 2014 in the case of the so-called ” eavesdropping “.

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According to the information of the Point, the investigators of the central Office for the fight against corruption and violations of financial and tax (Oclciff) have a time worked on the telephone bills details (” fadettes “) of many of the tenors of the bar and their collaborators, among whom My Eric Dupond-Moretti, Jean Veil, Jacqueline Laffont, Pierre Haik, Hervé Témime, or Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, but also a magistrate, or of the fixed lines of the PNF. Some lawyers have even been pinpointed.

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An action of “unusual and disturbing”

I Cousi said he is “arrested” by the “legal vacuum” around the use of the establishment of “fadettes” of lawyers, so that ” when there is the eavesdropping, in the procedures, the information must be given to the chairpersons, under penalty of nullity “. In this preliminary investigation, according to him, ” it was an action strange : if there is that of the fadettes and not listening, there was no certainty of the usefulness of harvesting these fadettes “, since the interviewers would know only the existence of conversations and not the content thereof.

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For the president of the bar, this “action” of the PNF is “legal or not legal, I don’t know, but it is unusual and worrying” and ” can only be justified if clues of serious and consistent evidence suggests that there was a reason to do so “. It puts, according to him, a grave threat to the professional secrecy of lawyers, a ” bulwark against the arbitrary.” I Cousi has also judged “very serious” the “suspicion is pervasive,” according to which, ” because lawyers talk to one another, it is necessarily to say things that are illegal “.

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