E-scooters are designed to provide an Alternative, especially in cities, mobile. However, some users are – and not only because alcohol is pretty wobbly on the road. How can the car safer? Experts make suggestions.

Berlin (Reuters) – electric scooters are nimble and quiet – but also not without risks. A year after the approval in Germany, experts are calling for extensive additional rules, for more safety, to avoid accidents and other dangerous situations last for a pedestrian.

“We want the road transport scooters with E-sure is,” said Walter Eichendorf, President of the German traffic security Council. A, together with the testing organisation Dekra catalog created makes now suggestions: a duty-equipment with turn signals on the Pace throttles up to a higher minimum age of 15 instead of 14 years.


“The Jack of different traffic participants with different speeds in a confined space is fraught with risks,” said Dekra Board member Clemens rules are already set. Therefore, everyone should know the rules. E-scooter may be for a year on the road. A since 15. June 2019 applicable regulation technical conditions and fixed rules of conduct. The Companion must be between 6 and 20 kilometers per hour (km/h) quickly. Must be driven on bike paths – there is no, on the roadway. In several cities rental companies, E-scooter.

them road safety Council and Dekra also recommend automated pace limits – one for beginners, the driving behavior such as when to Start, Accelerate and in curves don’t know. “The first journey is fraught for many people, a few Surprises.” In order to reduce fall hazards, should Leihanbieter scooters the speed of E-throttling up to the third travel on 10 to 15 km/h. This was also dependent on the weather, for example, when lanes are in heavy rain, wet and smooth.

Automatic Tempo Cutbacks in the late evening

automatic Tempo reductions are Recommended in Leihrollern late in the evening, at weekends and around major events. Because there is often alcohol in the game. Although the same limits as when driving a car apply for E-Scooter. “In the past year, however, were found by the police, a striking number of alcohol-related offences in the use of E-scooters.” As a Supplement, could be built – in the Apps for the Benefit of the Companion is also a blocking function-for example, with a question or a task. Not correctly be answered, could the E should not be hired Scooter in the first place.

As a further point, the security experts see the terms and conditions of rental: Many current rates, “rewarded” quick and related to reckless Driving, because you abrechneten after minutes. As it would be for the traffic safety better, if the distance travelled significantly the price is certain and the time factor played only a minor role, similar to Taxi rides.

in addition to the higher minimum age of 15 years, the experts propose a certificate-for-Drive E-scooters, if you have not already at least a mofaprüfbescheini settlement (class). The small, narrow racer to perceive better, should be reflective foil on the handlebars is mandatory. For Rent and Parking in designated Parking zones would not be useful. Leihanbieter should ensure that parked in the wrong spot or fallen E-Scooter can be collected within a period of five hours during hours of operation. For this you should telephone Hotlines set up where you can point to wild parked vehicles.

debate on mandatory helmet

The Federal Ministry of transport intends to submit a first progress report on the road safety until the end of the year. In the conversation with other demands, such as a helmet are also. The Association of cities urges to limit the power of the E-Scooter on places with many people like in front of tourist attractions to step-pace.

The Greens are accusing the government to have after a year is not a “location picture” issues of the E-Scooter to. “So, a readjustment is difficult,” said traffic expert Stefan yellow hair of the dpa. In the case of the environmental balance, the government is leaving the company. For working conditions at suppliers the same applies.

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