” I think that François Hollande has stolen the presidential election of 2017 to the French. I have the feeling that the monarch has trampled on the will of the people, ” growls Benjamin Millo. This 21 year old student, who is campaigning for Republicans since the end of 2016, is convinced that there has been ” an instrumentalisation of the justice “. The survey just released by The Dot, according to which the Parquet national financier (PNF) was used in secret of methods intrusive (lawyers have been listened to and their mobile geo-located) to challenge Nicolas Sarkozy in the case of Paul Bismuth, has rekindled the wound in the militancy of the right.

They are more than ever convinced that the justice system is relentless on the former president of the Republic. And then, later, on the François Fillon, candidate for LR to be president in 2017 : for them, justice has skewed the democracy by preventing the election of their champion so far in the lead in opinion polls.

“It’s still strange…”

” Since 2012, a succession of judicial inquiries which have referred to Nicolas Sarkozy and François Fillon has undoubtedly weighed on the result of the ballot of the presidential election in 2017, note Bertrand Gasiglia, departmental secretary assistant of the federation of The Republicans of the Alpes-Maritimes. The investigations have been open by chance or timely ? The question is legitimate as long as some of them have started just before the first round, and they related to a given candidate big favorite. “She is posed in all the departmental federations of the Republicans. “It’s still strange that the charges against Sarkozy and Fillon have arrived at a key moment in their political life,” notes Alexander Saradjan, a law student, who is committed in LR in 2015.

also Read Eric Ciotti : “We are facing a Watergate à la française”

And if the way in which justice was put into question Nicolas Sarkozy annoys the supporters of The Republicans, it is especially the treatment of the case Fillon that disgusts. “I am appalled and angry to see how justice works in our country, launches go Rosemonde, who has been fighting for many years to the right – she was a member of the RPR. We are no longer in a state of law. Our righteousness is oriented : it is there to protect the power. “Like the vast majority of activists engaged on the right, it says that” the presidential election of 2017 has not been equitable. This has been a big farce ! “. For Alexander Saradjan, ” France has definitely a problem with the independence of the judiciary. Citizens have the feeling that it is influenced by the policy “.

Read also Affaire Fillon : the ex-attorney national financial ensures that having experienced “pressure”

The militants LR also denounce a justice at two speeds. “I type a little fast on some, and let the other quiet, observes Patricia Rosenthal, who has begun to campaign for the UMP, 10 years ago. They all rushed to sink Fillon. It was mounted in a pin what he was accused. It must also be said – forgive me – that the media have put the package. Fillon has been thrown at them in jealousy of the French. “The activists also say they get fed up that the right is always on the benches of the accused. “We talked a lot of costumes of François Fillon, whereas only a few years earlier there had been little spoken of those of Jack Lang ! if that annoys Rosemonde. The wife of French prime minister François Fillon worked for him, but there has been other members who have done work of a member of their family. In addition, a lot of couples working together, this is not abnormal ! “

All of our movement has been tainted by these cases

the anger of The activists is now so much greater that for many of them, the case Fillon has participated in the disintegration of their family policy. “Our movement has been tainted by these cases, note Alexander Savadjan. As soon as we speak of right, people think of the business. Even as an activist, you are viewed by some with suspicion. “According to them, the business have also contributed to the collapse of their party : on this occasion, some of their friends are in fact spent in the camp macroniste. “There were two clans : those who thought it was fake and that it was a manipulation of the left to interfere with the candidate LR. And those who said, there is no smoke without fire and I can’t vote for a corrupted person, ” confirms Bertrand Gasiglia. Today, few are the activists who say they did not vote for François Fillon in 2017, but probably because those who voted for another candidate regret it now…

writing will advise you

Affaire Fillon : the ex-attorney national financial ensures that having experienced “pressure” to be EXCLUSIVE. Bismuth/Sarkozy : the new business of listening to