Karlsruhe, scientists are working on an alternative baking flour on insect base. The creepy crawlies are considered to be important protein source in the future.

insects could be in USA will soon be on the dinner plate. Scientists from Karlsruhe to work on a baking flour on insect base. Ironically, mealworms is suitable for food .

Germany – insects on the dining plan – it is not likely to appreciate in this country, especially Fans of the jungle camps. But also in Germany’s popular TV-trash format, the-crawling to stand, crawling, and often flight-capable animals for the attribute “disgusting,” and something whose consumption costs a lot of effort. In other cultures, however, in Parts of Asia, Africa and South America, but also in the case of the Aborigines in the jungle camp-location Australia, locusts, maggots, beetles & co. an integral part of the nutrition in grilled, roasted or marinated, for example.

Actually insects include – such as other animal foods also proteins, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, depending on the type in a different quantity and composition. Researchers see in insects, therefore, have a potential to contribute in a larger contribution to feeding the world’s growing population. The need for proteins will double, according to estimates by the FAO, the food and agriculture organization of the United Nations, by 2050.

food from edible insects: number of businesses

And so, the number of businesses has been growing for several years in the world, specializing in food the edible insects . In Europe insects-Food remained, however, currently a niche product. Although the new European “Novel Food”regulation allows for the consumption of creepy-crawlies in Europe (and it should be in Restaurants, where delights such as insects burgers are on the map). However, the majority of consumers in the local Widths are likely to reject a food on this Basis, presumably, continue to be – at least if their origin is still in the Form and consistency of the visible or imagined.

however, Because more livestock with a view to the environment and the climate is highly problematic and needs to be permanent anyway, can’t cover, researchers need to after alternative protein sources are looking for. Again and again the insects then come to the game. Scientists of the Karlsruhe Institute for technology (KIT) are engaged with the topic. They are working to develop flour from insect-powder, with which, for example, bread can be produced.

mealworms are used as food

your focus is on Mealworms , the larvae of which contain a lot of proteins. “Mealworms have to beef the advantage, that you about half as much CO2 produce, and thus less impact on the environment,” explains process engineer Azad Emin, head of the Junior research group “Extrusion and biopolymers” at the Institute for Bio – and food technology of the KIT. He assumes that it can create products on insects, based also on the German market – to detect if the animals are processed into powder, thus, and the introduction of traditional food such as bread is done. “Wheat flour with insects shares can enrich the staple food with proteins, and so any deficits from other protein to compensate for sources,” says Emin.

+ insects as a protein source©KIT

The Karlsruhe researchers have set themselves the goal that the flours are to be distinguished on the insect base in terms of taste, baking characteristics and Texture of little traditional baking flours, to achieve a high level of acceptance among consumers. A hurdle, however, is the higher fat and protein content in insect meals. It leads to changes of solubility, water holding capacity and elasticity.

baking flour should not differ from conventional

Using a special process, the Karlsruhe food technologists want to improve these properties, so they are almost identical with those of conventional bakery flours . The scientists use for the Extrusion, a method that has long been products, such as Pasta or cereals are produced. It adds certain ingredients – in this case, it would be insects or components thereof – of water. Thus, a dough-like mass is to be created, which led to then first screw shafts, heated, and finally through a nozzle is pressed.

Thereafter, the dry mass is milled. An advantage of this method is that it enzymes of insects disabled, and microbial components would be reduced, says Azad Emin. “In addition, improved digestibility could be achieved.” Since, to date, little is known about the effects of Extrusion on the digestibility and bioavailability of the insect, and the nutrients contained known study the researchers from Karlsruhe are now described in detail in cooperation with the Max Rubner Institute, the Federal Institute for nutrition and food.

baking flour may also affect the bakery trade positive

The Extrusion in connection with the development of new raw materials could also be Operated open to the traditional Baker’s trade “new perspectives”, in particular smaller, so Emin’s idea. “In our further research we intend to verify the applicability of the produced flour in the artisanal scale.” To this end, external bread take tests, as well as Form, appearance, and Texture of the baking plant to be examined. The results obtained were important “for a sustainable alternative of development of food products from insects”.

The Karlsruhe scientists and their work are an example for increasing research in this area. However, there are still a number of uncertainties. So, you know, as yet, not sure what are the effects of micro-organisms from the intestines of the animals is eaten often can cause in the human body. Worry that the critters are crawled by all sorts of things one might prefer not to imagine, not a must have but here in Germany: insects , processed in Germany, to food, sourced from controlled Farms.

insects: The food of the future?

there are Those who see insects as an important food of the future , arguing, among other things, in order that they produce less greenhouse gases and ammonia than traditional farm animals such as cattle and pigs, that they take up a lot less space and costs to grow more favourable, be.

critics complain, among other things, that there is yet no sufficient Knowledge to the extent to which insects pain and suffering are able to feel and to be tormented thus, in the processing of food. Not enough is explored also, what are the allergic reactions can trigger insects under certain circumstances. So people react to shrimp allergic to it should keep the insects flour – if it comes on the market – prefer to back. Because a shellfish Allergy can tolerate no mealworms. Of’re Pamela Dörhöfer

section list image:©KIT