The Rallye Oberland would have been this year, a DM-run. But now the event has been cancelled. The hope have not given up on the organizer but.

County – It is the great Motorsport should be Event of the year in the district. For Friday, 25., and Saturday, 26. September, was scheduled for the ADAC Rallye Oberland. This time, they should be held as the ADAC rally Masters, and as the race for the German championship. The last was the case in 2009. But Corona, the organizer of community, Oberland, and all motor sports made trailers a dash through the bill. With a heavy heart, cancelled the big event recently.

“It is easy for us,” says Oliver Ahl as managing Director and head of organization to the core of the organizer-team belongs to, and Vice-Chairman of the MSC, the old city is. “For us, the Chance that we can make the event and we have enjoyed it,” says Ahl. “Until the beginning of June, during the pandemic period, we were still optimistic, and the preparations were already advanced.”

Up on time, hardly costs

+ created For the current year, no Motorsport more: head of organization Oliver Ahl takes it calmly.©Friebel

With the district office as the highest approval authority, the operator community was not always in conversation, critical information on whether the Event can take place or has to be cancelled, there was at first. Then came the news that the office could, at the earliest, meetings in the beginning of September, a decision had to be made. “That would have been too late for us,” says Ahl in terms of the costs that would have arisen until then. The 43-Year-old, who is engaged in carpentry and engineering office Riedle in Hohenfurch, as managing Director, estimated the cost for such a rally of 80 000 to 100 000 Euro. “We would not have to answer to if we need to cancel later, you would but. As yet, no significant costs incurred by us up to some time,“ said Ahl. Eight meetings, the leaders in the run-up to held. Later, they hooked up a few times online.

The award for the rally as the race for the German championship of the “upper Landler got”, because in the case of the Three-cities-rally date a result of the difficulties. Which was scheduled for October, but the date of the FIA moved the Germany rally, which takes precedence as the only world championship race in Germany. And to drive in September, was due to another large event in Passau is not possible. So the ADAC was approached with the Request to the Oberland-strategists, the ADAC Rallye Oberland as a DM-run promote.

mayor of the municipalities were already

Said and done. “We had agreed very quickly to accept the offer,” says Ahl. The fire was kindled. As a large organisation the team with the motor sports clubs of old city, Schongau, Hohenpeißenberg, Peiting, Lechbruck, Roßhaupten and hohenpeißenberg, as well as with the help of experienced people from lower Bavaria of the competition, with around 500 volunteers would have been able to handle.

The decision of the ADAC offer “DM-run” to accept, fell already in December of last year. From now on, the officials made the search for suitable routes for the races are between 90 and 120 kilometers. Courses in and around Schönberg, old town, Burggen, Peiting, Wildsteig, Hohenpeißenberg, and Wessobrunn, Germany, were in the planning – in accordance with previous requests for all residents. In addition, Oliver Ahl and his colleagues in the organizing team have contacted the mayors of the concerned municipalities. “The were all positive,” says the 43-Year-old. To final Council decisions it is, however, nowhere to be, because of the cancellation of the corresponding applications were withdrawn in a timely manner.

anniversary maybe 2021

center and Service of the rally would be this time in Weilheim been to the highland hall and the surrounding area. “In our Schongauer Region, we would have found no place in the order of magnitude,” explains Ahl. He is sure, however, that the rally for the entire district would have been a profit. “All great events to bring the tremendous purchasing power,” he says.

in Addition, this year’s edition would be the 25. Rallye Oberland have been. Yet the organizers have not given up hope but. “According to a call with the ADAC, we can get a date for a run to the German championship,” says Ahl. If the Corona of a pandemic is over until then, a date in March 2021 to the debate. For this year is learning in the motor sports but all deleted.

Dietmar Friebel