be included in An area whose floor is replaced because of a Contaminated currently, could then in further planning. The requested Andechser CSU in the recent Council meeting.

Erling – That the cemetery needs to be expanded in andechs the District of Erling, is already for a long time. In the “Where?”, now comes a new movement. At the request of the CSU, the municipal Council decided on Tuesday night, which will involve the neighboring property into consideration. The landfill of the municipality was once – and not makes things quite easy.

The soil is contaminated. At the beginning of 2018, the groundwater samples showed an elevated pollutant content. The floor is currently being replaced. The CSU on the occasion for their application to reconsider an extension away on exactly that area. By means of a suitable filling material, it could achieve “very good dwell times, and the terrain is more even moved away from the water catchment area,” it said. In addition, the Transition to the old part of the cemetery would fit better in the appearance.

favor of the hour to use

The extension in the direction of the West instead of in the direction of the North, whether from the point of view of the CSU “is the most viable solution,” said property consultant Florian Frey (CSU) of the initiative. Parish business Manager Michael Kuch agreed with him. “Just now,” he said. Otherwise, the floor was filled again. Whether the area was suitable for a cemetery, however, would have to show more holes. In addition, a new development plan is to be on the way.

Green item concerns

What a new development plan process cost of the municipality, wanted to know Christian Emperor (SPD) from Kuch. The business Manager could not answer conclusively. Peter Schmaderer (Green) saw several problems. In addition to the Problem with the sloping terrain, the chair is likely to be difficult with a roll-passable, he saw no way, on the filled-in area, a peaceful forest set up. In addition, he expressed concerns about the groundwater. His most important Argument, however, was that out of the population, the Argument that you didn’t want to be in a landfill to be buried. “We get to hear,” said Schmaderer.

municipality should keep all doors are open

Martin Strobl (CSU) argued that it had understood the request, so that the filling should be designed so that at least there was the possibility to expand the cemetery. Real estate officer Frey again Strobls repeated Argument and added that it was important “that we keep all doors open”. The approval came from Erasmus Höfler (citizen group): “we should look at all the cases,” he said. Martin Strobl pleaded councils, therefore, for a visit with all the municipality.

The Council unanimously decided to appoint, where appropriate, a planning office. It should be the same, this has also made the first planning. At the same time, the panel decided that the administration should wait until the results of further investigations were fixed.